4: Discovery

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Will gasped, suddenly, as he and Nico sat in Hades cabin. "I don't have to breathe!" He exclaimed, oddly excited.

"Why are you so happy about that?" Nico questioned. Will, then, being the genius he is, slammed his forehead against a wall. He cheered directly after.


"There was such a better way to test that, and you went with hitting your head against a wall... Why..." Nico sighed, trying not to laugh.

"This is awesome!" Will grinned, still not explaining.


"I can leave my binder on with no pain! I can just live without tits! Mainly, at least. Or, not live, but still..." Will seemed genuinely so excited over the concept, it kind of made Nico happy.

"Binder?" Nico questioned. And then Will realized that he accidentally came out.

"Uh, yeah. Binder. For mah chest. I'm a trans dude, surprise!" Will gave awkward jazz-hands. Nico chuckled.

"Who were you out to?" Nico asked him. Nico didn't care much, at all. He was in modern times enough now to know what that meant and to accept it.

"Literally no one. I mean, people probably know, I started T when I was 15 so my cabin sort of watched me go ahead and transition, but no one said anything." Will shrugged, still grinning.

"I'm the only one who can see you, I don't know why you would want to hide your chest." Nico commented. Will scoffed.

"I can see me, and I like looking down at my chest and not seeing titties. I'm not binding for you."

"Sorry, I didn't think about that."

"Mhm. Wish I could've died with a bit of a beard, not completely clean-shaven. Shouldn't have shaved. But this is good enough for the rest of eternity! Or however long I'm a ghost."

"You shouldn't still be a ghost, really, so the amount of time you will be is up in the air. What was your original name?" Nico asked.

"Rude, don't ask people that. That's none of your business. William is my chosen name, that's all you need to know." Will told him.

"Sorry again, I don't know very many transgender people. I don't know the..." Nico made circles with his hand, trying to think of the word.

"Etiquette. That's okay, just know from now on that you don't ask for someone's dead name. It's none of your business." Will explained.

"Okay. Thank you for the lesson, Will. Now, are you going to get out as I try to sleep or just watch me like a creeper?"

"Oh oof that's right, sorry. I'll fuck off to my own cabin and annoy Kayla." Will waved, walking straight through the wall and off to Apollo's cabin. Nico chuckled.

a/n if you're a trans male and something here is inaccurate tell me!!! I'm not trans, most of what I write is based on what I've heard from youtubers n such. so help me out if I'm wrong bros

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