5: Starving

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tw: puking and Nico messed up his stomach by not eating for a while on accident. Skip the chapter if that's an issue. 

"So guess what I learned last night." Will was suddenly across from Nico, still ghostly. Nico wasn't paying enough attention to see him walk over.


"Can't touch living people, at all. I tried to smack this one bitch sibling I had and I just couldn't. Hand phased through. So I can willingly go through and not through random stuff, other than living people. Weird, right?" Will proved his point by reaching out to grab Nico's arm. His hand phased right through.

"The living and the dead typically aren't supposed to interact at all, it isn't particularly surprising." Nico shrugged.

"Hey, you aren't eating! You need to eat, death boy, you'll kill yourself. I know you didn't have dinner yesterday, and you lied about lunch. Eat." Will insisted.

"You're starting to sound like Jason."

"Jason's a smart fuckin' dude then. Eat. You don't need to starve. You can't fight stuff when you're weak and frail. And I'll find a way to talk to Jason and tell him you haven't eaten in... 12 hours, or whatever." Will threatened.

"You don't even know who Jason is?"

"Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, part of the big 7, dating Piper McLean. I'll find a godsdamn way of contacting him." Will insisted. Nico sighed.

"You're very overbearing."

"I've dealt with starving, Di Angelo, and so have you. It isn't fun. Come on."

"Fine." Nico got food, sitting down and very pointedly took a bite of an apple, and then another, and another.

"Finish iiiit." Will told him. Nico finished it.

And then looked sick.

Nico stood up, rushing to a trash can and puking into it. Will ran to him, worry etched on his face.

"You messed up your stomach! I'm sorry! I didn't realize, your stomach probably can't handle a lot of food, it's probably been a while, and I made you eat more than you should've, I'm sorry!" Will rambled out.

"It's fine." Nico wiped his mouth.

"I'm sorry! I won't do that again, I won't tell you to do anything. That was my fault. I'll just fuck off." Will continued rambling, looking increasingly distressed.

"You meant well, don't worry about it. It's fine." Nico promised him, as they both went back and sat down at the Hades table.

"I'm still sorry, you can tell me to fuck off if I'm annoying you. I can find other things to do." Will insisted. He seemed to be fidgeting suddenly, with the hem of his shirt.

"Will. It's okay. You didn't realize that I messed my stomach up, that wasn't your fault." Nico told him. Will still didn't seem completely sure, but he nodded.

"Sorry." Will repeated. He stared at nothing, still fidgeting with his shirt, seeming spaced out.

"Sword practice." Nico said, finally, pulling Will out of his zone. Will smiled at the fact Nico seemed to be including him.


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