3: Testing

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Will stayed around, surprisingly. Ghosts typically showed up, wandered for no more than a day, then headed to the underworld for their options. Or showed up, then left to haunt some family member. Will didn't seem to do that.

"You're not going to try to talk to your cabin at all?" Nico asked him.

"I did. Not many results. You're the only one that can see me, there's no point in trying to talk to any of them. I can talk to them through you, if I really felt like it." Will shrugged.

"Can you walk through things? Walls and such?" Nico asked him.

"I sat on a bench earlier, so I'd assume not. Aren't you supposed to be at a lesson?" Will asked back.

"They don't keep well track of me here, I doubt anyone noticed." Nico answered. Will frowned.

"I noticed when you didn't show up for archery randomly. I'm sure someone knows you aren't there."

"No one has said anything, so it doesn't matter."

"Hey, I'm gonna do some tests. Okay, I'll run at this person and see if I phase through them. Watch." Will grinned, sprinting at a poor unsuspecting camper. He thought about going through them.

And he did. He stumbled as he ran straight through the kid, not expecting it. The camper looked confused, but was overall un-phased. Nico chuckled at ghostly Will as he nearly completely tripped.

"I can go through shit if I try! Whoop! You didn't see me trip!" Will announced proudly.

"I saw you trip." Nico countered.

"No one would believe you if you told them you did, so ha." Will stuck his tongue out at Nico.

"I see ghosts regularly, so they probably would believe me." Nico told him. Will groaned.

"Rude. Hey, can I pick stuff up? I wanna be a true ghost." Will looked around quickly, finding a rock on the ground. He picked it up, waving it in front of a camper's face as they passed by. The camper looked at the rock quizzically, then shrugged, walking around it.

"Oh come on! They're too used to weird shit here, I can't scare anyone with my ghostly skills." Will pouted, walking back beside Nico.

"I feel very bad for you, that you can't scare poor innocent campers by waving a rock in their face." Nico told him.

"Shush, you emo," Will paused for a moment, just looking at Nico, "You gesture a lot."

"I've been told that. I believe it's an Italian thing."

"Aha, that's what it is! Italian! Yeah, so now you're talking to yourself and gesturing to nothin'." Will teased.

"Like I said, that isn't really abnormal. We're demigods."

~I've Been Ghosting~ SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now