21: Silence

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"...You seem very pouty, Will." Nico observed.

"Sorry, I'll stop doing that." Will told him quickly.

It got silent in that cabin.

"Can we talk? Just, in general, I dislike silence greatly." Nico told him. Will nodded.

"Yeah, man. Why do you dislike silence? You seem like the type to want quiet."

"I simply can't deal with it. My vision blurs, I get tunnel vision, memories of Tartarus come back. I usually focus on random sounds to prevent that. Other conversations, if I'm not talking to someone already. It's really unfortunate, I used to like silence before Tartarus."

"Oh, wow that's shitty. I'll try to talk to you whenever it gets too quiet. You know I'm good at talking anyway." Will replied.

"Thank you. Would you be okay with me telling Annabeth about you, how you're still a ghost and all? She is the smartest person I know, she could help." Nico questioned. Will's expression dropped.

"Help to get rid of me and throw me to the underworld where I belong. Yeah, go ahead. Do whatever you want." He answered.


"I'd tell Percy too, he and Annabeth are unstoppable. They'll both figure it right out. Maybe it's just some code words and I'll head straight to the fields of Asphodel. Or you can just tell me to fuck off and I'll leave you alone, you know."

"That isn't what I-"

"No, you know, whatever. Sorry for being salty, I get it. Restore whatever kind of balance. Just let me be there as you explain, in case they need verification." Will stated. Nico realized he wasn't going to make any point to Will.

"I'll have them meet us in here later. For privacy. What do I tell them if proof is needed that it's actually you?"

"There's pen and paper in a drawer, I'll write shit down. Should be simple enough." Will shrugged nonchalantly.

"That sounds good, thank you."

"Yeah. If facts are needed, I'll just come out as bi or whatever and say to verify shit with Kayla. They wouldn't know that I'm trans, eh?"

"Do you want to tell them?" Nico questioned.

"Absolutely not. They have no reason to know. It's not as though I'm ashamed or anything, you know, I just would prefer that people see me as a cis male. People change when they find out I'm not cis."

"Percy and Annabeth wouldn't change at all. One of their friends, Annabeth's cousin's partner is genderfluid. I believe they're both very good about calling her by what she tells them to."

"Annabeth's cousin's partner. Huh. Well, either way, they don't need to know."

~I've Been Ghosting~ SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now