13: Disappear

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tw: transphobia, misgendering and deadnaming

"To my own memorial we go." Will stood up, heading out of the cabin and towards where campfire was typically held. Nico was close behind him, following.

"Yes. It should be interesting." Nico walked just behind Will, making sure to be looking at him as he thought.

"Yeah. Don't be surprised if I just fuck off somewhere because I got bored." Will said, only partly kidding.

They found a spot on the logs, in the middle. Not too far to the front or back, with a good view for now. Doing this in the amphitheater might have been better in terms of space, but in front of the campfire was traditional.

Other campers started filing around them. Terry setup Will's shroud, a traditional sort of coffin made by his cabin mates. It was pretty small, they didn't exactly have a body to put in it.

"He looks confident. I don't trust that." Will muttered.

Right next to the shroud was what looked to be a picture frame, facing downwards. Which was somewhat suspicious.

"He won't do anything." Nico assured.

Terry got the large group's attention. He looked solemn, though he seemed to be smirking a moment ago.

"We are here to mourn the recent passing-" Terry started.

"Not that recent." Will muttered.

"Of a head Counselor and healer. She-" Terry continued. Will's expression dropped.

"She?" Will said, quietly.

"Was the head counselor of the Apollo cabin." Terry seemed to have to resist a smile as he lifted the picture frame.

In the frame was a picture of Will, of course.

Fourteen year old, bob-haircut having, pre-testosterone, Will.

And under the image was a caption.

Willow Solace

Will stared at it in disbelief. And rage. And sorrow. He seemed pretty unreadable, and his emotions were definitely mixed, and not one of them was positive.

"She was a hero..." Terry continued a speech, repeatedly using the wrong name and the wrong pronoun. Finally, Will stood up.

Will, in his ghostly form, went up and slammed the picture to face down. Terry looked at the frame, only slightly confused, picked it back up, and continued.

Terry called Will "Willow" again.

Will picked up the frame and chucked it, away from people. One could hear the glass of it shatter.

Terry continued dead naming and misgendering him.

Will looked at Nico, seeming almost desperate. Nico didn't have time to respond when Will went invisible to him, disappearing from his sight.

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