15: Staying

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"I'm really sorry, again. For losing my temper and throwing something." Will reiterated.

"Don't worry about it, I think it was pretty fair of a reaction."

"Still, I don't... don't want to be the type to throw stuff when I'm mad, it isn't a nice quality to have. So, I'm sorry." Will said yet again. Nico didn't really want to say it was okay again, he knew he'd get the same reaction.

"Do you want to talk about that? What just happened?" Nico suggested. Will didn't peg him as the type to really ever talk about anything. Though, he guessed, it wasn't as though they were talking about Nico anyway.

"I just didn't expect to be outed. I don't know how Terry got it, my deadname and the fact I'm trans... I guess the name is kind of easy to figure out, but still. I did a lot so everyone saw me as male, and now I'm sure transphobes will go around misgendering me now that they know. I'm dead now, though, so whatever." Will sighed.

"If anyone misgenders you, I'll correct them and fight them if I have to." Nico promised. Will smiled, kind of sheepishly, and blushed, touched that Nico would do that. Even if it was just friendly.

It was hard to see Will's blush in his ghostly form, but Nico did see it. And he denied that he found it cute.

"Thank you. For that and defending me tonight, that was amazing. Terry looked scared of you. And I'm sorry for disappearin'. I saw you tell Terry off and then I fucked off back to here."

"It's interesting how you came here. Instead of Apollo cabin." Nico mentioned. Will blushed a bit more, hoping that Nico wasn't looking all that far into that.

"I just hang out here a lot now, okay? And I knew no one else would be here, and okay it isn't like anyone could see me, but still.... Peace and quiet and all, or whatever."

"No that's okay, I get it. I'd just assumed that you would have gone where you always were when you were alive." Nico told him.

"Is that why you called for me the moment you walked in here?" Will cocked an eyebrow questioningly.

"That was just me making sure." Nico excused.

"Ah. Well, you look tired, and I'm assuming you want me to go away now so you can sleep alone and don't feel like I'm watching you or something." Will was moments away from being gone.

"Actually, I'd be okay with you staying? I don't think you're weird enough to watch me sleep. And you should be able to sleep yourself, even if you don't need to."

Will smiled and blushed even more, even cuter to Nico. "I can sleep, yeah. Are you sure? I can just go and wander again, I get wantin' to sleep alone in your cabin."

"I'm sure. Only if you want to, obviously."

"Yeah. I uh, think I'll sleep in here. Just because... You're cool and stuff. Because I can." Will chuckled, kind of nervously, seeming to try to hide his smile.


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