10: Questionnaire

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tw: mention of past transphobic bullying, sex is like mentioned kind of

"Wanna do a Q n A? I'd like to learn about you some more, Di Angelo. Because why not." Will smiled, sitting on a bed across from Nico.

"I would be open to that, sure. Sounds fun." Nico nodded, and Will smiled wider.

"Okay! Basic questions, right? Cats or dogs?" Will asked. Nico had to think about it.

"Dogs. Because Ms. O'Leary is a very good dog. And Cerberus is cool. I'm assuming you're a dog person, since you have the personality of one." Nico assumed. Will chuckled.

"I'm actually a cat person. They're easier to take care of. And they're so much more chill, cats know how to calm their shit." Will answered.

Nico thought for a moment, "Night or day?"

"Night. People leave you alone at night."

"Agreed." Nico nodded, slightly surprised that Sunshine Boy liked the night more.

"Favorite school subject?" Will questioned.

"None. And yours?"

"English. Okay, wanna get to better questions? These are lame as hell." Will cocked an eyebrow, which wasn't at all attractive to Nico. Nope.

"Sounds good."

"Who's your best friend?" Will asked him. Nico didn't have to think, for even a moment.

"Hazel. Easy. Yours?"

"It was probably Kayla or Cecil. Or Austin. I was probably closest to Kayla. You ask something, death boy."

"What is... A fear of yours. Your worst fear." Nico decided on the question, after a moment. Will had to think.

"Probably being useless. I never had any actual phobias, mostly. But, I uh, worked in the Infirmary mainly so I was helping. I did a lot of shit just so I wasn't useless." Will got semi quiet, though he didn't seem to have anything against answering the question. "Same question at you."

"Fading into the shadows. I've been really close to being engulfed by shadows entirely due to too much shadow-traveling. It is, admittedly, terrifying."

"Worst experience or injury you've ever dealt with?" Will asked, and Nico didn't have to think about that one either.

"Tartarus. Of course. And yours?"

"Middle school was pretty shitty..." Will chuckled, sort of awkwardly, "I mean, there's nothing up there with Tartarus. The battles against Gaia and of Manhattan both sucked, obviously. I got my ass totally beat one time, for being trans. Concussion, broken nose, I've still got scars. Got the binder I was wearing ripped off of me and stolen. That was terrible... Yeah." It got silent.

Nico had an odd idea for a question, and he only asked because Will seemed to prefer the more personal ones- "Did you die a Virgin?"

"Nah. I kinda wish I did, I didn't give a shit about who I did it with. Which is, you know, not preferred. Wish I'd waited for someone that cared or whatever. You a Virgin?" It wasn't the answer Nico was expecting, for sure. He sort of blushed, not having thought of the fact Will would ask back.


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