12: Preparations

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"They're working on your memorial now. It should go on tomorrow, at campfire." Nico mentioned.

"Great. A memorial held because they had to, and people that showed up because they had to. Love it." Will replied sarcastically.

"It should be a chance for you to see how much you're missed, Will. People do miss you." Nico told him, which was suddenly more compassionate than Will expected.

"I'm sure they do. Why do you care? That I know people miss me?" Will questioned.

"Maybe if you fully understood that, you would go where you should in the underworld. I don't have a complete understanding of fate and unfinished business, but that may be something." Nico suggested. Will's expression dropped.

"Oh. Yeah. Maybe." Will muttered shortly.

"Wait, Will, that isn't anything against you. It's just better for the dead to be where they should be in the underworld." Nico excused, realizing that he may have said something offending.

"No yeah, yeah I know. I get that. Are you leading my memorial?" Will changed the subject, because he didn't really believe Nico and wanted to be done with that conversation.

"No, someone named Terry from your cabin is. I only know because I have to be at all the preparations, due to being the resident death expert."

"Ah shit, Terry. Terry's a bitch, we hate each other." Will groaned.

"He wouldn't do anything during your memorial."

"It's Terry. He absolutely would."

"I'll make sure he doesn't do anything wrong, don't worry." Nico promised. Will was almost touched. And then he realized that Nico probably had to do that.

"Cool. I'll hang out with you and watch it. Seeing my own memorial will be cool. Or something like that."

"Percy crashed his own memorial once. He got judo-flipped by Annabeth. So don't come back to life, you might be tackled." Nico warned. Will chuckled.

"I remember that, yeah. The absolute rage on Annabeth's face, it was a sight to behold. And terrifying." Will recalled with a smile.

"Annabeth can be very scary. Her brain is amazing, she's a genius." Nico agreed.

"Oh absolutely. And she's so driven to fight, I had to heal her... Either ankle or shoulder. Either way, she kept wanting to just go back into the fight. Scary woman there."

"And now she's out in the world putting her mind to architecture."

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