23: Do You Believe In Destiny

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"Can you believe that? That fate may be causing this?" Nico asked. Will didn't hesitate; he couldn't, the words were coming out of his mouth before he could do anything about.

"I figured there had to be a reason I fell in love with you."

"I-what-I'm sorry?" Nico looked at Will, flabbergasted, and even Will had to comprehend what he'd said.

"...I mean, I know you heard me, so..." Will has to keep himself from going invisible-he wants to, and his ghostly form is moments from doing so, so he has to consciously stay visible. Which is odd.

"You were in love with me?" Nico asked. Will laughed, and Nico's expression dropped, taking that as a "I was joking."

"Were? I am, Nico. Gods." Will flips what Nico's thinking instantly. Nico blushes deeply, and neither of them have any idea as to how respond.

"Wow." Nico finally says. Will raises an eyebrow.

"Wow. That's all? You know, I expected a rejection or something, not that. Wow."

"I don't know what to tell you, Will."

"Yes or no, man? You can reject me, It's what I'm expecting. I promise you won't hurt my feelings." Will chuckles.

"Yes. I... Mean, I want... you? To date you? Feeling is mutual?" Nico tells him, very eloquently. Will blushes, mouth hanging open in disbelief.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I am." Nico is suddenly confident, looking Will in the eye. Nice, golden eyes.

"I wish I could kiss you." Will states, sad for once about his death. Nico scooted forward, close to Will.

"I would if that was possible." Nico responds.

"Awesome. So... Boyfriend and boyfriend? How would this even work? What happens when my fate or whatever is properly filled and I go wherever I have to? What-"

"Will. We will cross that bridge when we get to it. Boyfriends." Nico assures. Will smiles, because Nico's already an amazing boyfriend.

"Okay. Got it."

"Don't worry."

"And... You're okay with me? It's not as though we can do anything, obviously, like touching or whatever, but you're okay with the fact that I... you know?"

"That you don't have a typically considered male body? Yes, Will, of course. I... love," Nico sort of struggles with the word; he doesn't say it often, "you for your personality. And, as you said, we can't touch anyway."

"Okay. Amazing. Thank you."

~I've Been Ghosting~ SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now