20: Compare

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Percy and Annabeth were coming to camp.

That simple fact was amazing, and it made almost everyone excited. Two of the prophesied seven that saved the world? The son of Poseidon and a famous demigod architect? The prophecy was a while ago, but people hadn't forgotten.

Those excited included Nico. He missed the seven, truthfully; they were all friends, after all, and Nico was glad the two would be coming by for once.

"Percy was kind of the one that made me find out I was gay," Nico mentioned, "I had a crush on him for a while. Not anymore, he isn't my type."

"Ah. I get that." Will told him.

"He knows that, I told him. He was really cool about it. Annabeth high-fived me." He added.

"Oh well that's cool, ally's are always nice. Or, if he's bi or something, just good people are good." Will wasn't too worried about being jealous; he hadn't seen Percy in a while, it's not as though he could be THAT attractive.

Plus, why would he be jealous? It wasn't as though Will and Nico were in a relationship. Or that Will wanted to be one, of course, he wasn't loving. Nope. No jealousy.

"For sure."

"NICO!" The son of Poseidon grinned as he walked into the mess hall, Annabeth right nearby.

Ah, shit. Percy's hot.

How stupid to think that he could compare to the pretty boy with the sea-green stare.

"Hey Percy." Nico said calmly. Though, mentally, Will could hear that Nico was more excited than he showed.

"Nico, how have you been?! Has camp been good? Have you found yourself a boyfriend?" Percy happily sat down across from Nico. Annabeth slid next to Percy, taking his hand.

"I've been fine. Camp is fine. I don't have a boyfriend." Nico answered.

"Have you kept on eating like you should?" Annabeth asked him.

"I've been... I've been trying to. I think I'm doing okay with that." Nico told her. Both of them looked slightly sad at that, the uncertainty, but they didn't push it.

"Thank you for making me eat, Will. I haven't mentioned that but I should now. Thank you." Nico told Will, mentally, suddenly.

"No prob. I don't want you to die or suffer."

"Annabeth, is that an engagement ring?" Nico questioned. Percy grinned and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend-or, now fiance.

"It sure is! Can I tell him how I proposed or do you want to? I'm kind of proud of it."

"Go ahead, seaweed brain." Annabeth told him.

"Okay! So, I planned it so a few of our mutual friends threw us in this lake-because we were on a business trip-and, man, I recreated the best underwater kiss of all time. Except right after the kiss, I got on one knee, and proposed. The fish cheered us on." Percy told the tale.

"That's fucking adorable." Will commented.

"Aw. Nice job." Nico told him.

"It was very well done." Annabeth agreed.

a/n spot the parody of a dodie clark lyric

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