Epilogue / End

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"Come on, coooome on. You agreed to this." Nico dragged his boyfriend along.

"I wish I could still go invisible." Will groaned. "And I couldn't feel pain."

"You have to do this, Will, I know it's terrible or whatever but you have to show up. You're cabin counselor again."

"Am I? Austin was doing a great job, I say we just let him keep on keeping on."


Will chuckled. "Fine, fine. Can't wait to see the look on their faces. And to get my ass beat. I bet Kayla's gonna be the first one to attack. She still goes to those meetings, right?"

"She should. Now, be quiet, stand behind me."

"I'm taller than you."

"Don't remind me."

As Nico walked into the big house, everyone's heads turned, naturally. They seemed more confused than anything, at first.

"Who do you have behind ya, Di Angelo?" Clarisse finally asked. Will took a step sideways.

Everyone went silent.

"Hi?" Will said.

"WILL WHAT THE FUCK!" Lou Ellen shouted at him. Will chuckled, taking a step back nervously.

Right into Kayla.

"Will? WILL HOLY SHIT YOU FUCKING-" Kayla tackled him the the ground, partially out of love and to give him a hug, and partially to harm him.

"Sorry! I'm sorry, alright!"


"Uh. Love?" Will shrugged.

"We kissed and now he's alive again." Nico added.

"Are you kidding me? Will, you fucking idiot, I missed you so much, we all did, you couldn't even talk to us and tell us how you died?! How did you die?"

"I may have downed some pills and killed myself..." Will told her, kind of quietly.

"You fucking-" She started. Her expression quickly softened, though. "You what?"

"I, uh, killed myself?"

"Will! You... you idiot." Kayla finally pulled him to be sitting up, and then hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't ever do that again, got it? I... think you see how much you were missed, now, right?"

"Yeah... Yeah. Now can you get off of me? I love you too, sis, but I wanna hold hands with my boyfriend." Will chuckled. Kayla quickly stood up and let him do the same.

"Boyfriend, huh?" Lou Ellen looked Nico up and down, and then at their intertwined hands.

"Yeah. Boyfriend."

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