19: Party Tattoos

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"Do you feel heat? Can you be too hot or cold, as a ghost?" Nico asked curiously.

"Nah, don't think so. I could only tell you were cold because you looked it. That might just be my jacket and Apollo genes, I dunno. Here, we'll see if I'm cold if I take it off." Will pulled off his jacket. Nico did not expect him to be in a tank top underneath.

"Nope. Temp's neutral. Staring at my muscles?" Will raised an eyebrow at Nico's staring. And, okay, maybe he was, but there was something else.

"What do you have on your shoulders?" Nico questioned.

"What do I... Oh, yeah, those. Tattoos."

"You have tattoos?" Nico asked, completely unbelieving, "When in Hades did you get tattoos?"

"The moment I could. I mean, kinda. I got drunk at a party-yes, underage, I wasn't at camp at the time and I had a friend that was over 21. Anyway, said friend brought up that I'd wanted to get a tattoo and this was fairly soon after I turned 18. So I went and got me tattoos. A sun and moon." Will told his tale.

They were extremely simple tattoos, really. The sun was classic, a circle with lines around it, while the moon was just a crescent. Easily recognizable symbols, one on each shoulder.

"I didn't peg you as one to get tattoos."

"Meh. They're pretty harmless, so it's cool. No regrets. They're supposed to be black, not dark golden. But, you know, ghost form. Kinda cooler this way, frankly."

"Do you know what your dad thinks? And Artemis? Those are their symbols." Nico mentioned.

"I think dad's proud and flattered. Artemis doesn't interact with men much, you know, so I wouldn't know. I can imagine that she doesn't care." Will shrugged.

"Huh." Nico stared for a few moments longer. Will smirked and flexed. Nico blushed and looked away because he was called out.

"Did they hurt?"

"Yeah, a bit. It wasn't as bad as I expected... I think. I don't remember much from the night." Will put his jacket back on, for no reason other than it felt weird to not have it on after so long.

"Oh. They're cool tattoos, I like the simplicity." Nico told him. Will smiled.

"Thanks. I didn't design them, I mean I guess I couldn't because they're classic symbols, but I didn't really have a plan. I just said simple sun and crescent moon."

"They're still cool. I didn't know you had those. You've been following me exclusively for around three weeks now, I believe I should know something like that."

"Quite frankly, I don't think many people do. I didn't wear tanks much, don't know why I had one under my jacket when I died." Will shrugged.

"Ah. I am glad I'm one of the people that has the privilege of knowing."

~I've Been Ghosting~ SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now