17: Dating

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"So we're even more telepathic." Nico clarified. Will nods.

"Seems like it. You don't need to be looking at me. It's better this way, quite frankly." Will told him.

"I hate this, I don't need someone in my head." Nico complained. It was mentally, and he figured Will wouldn't be able to hear it. Will quickly fixed that thought.

"Heard that. And hey, it's not my choice. It's not as though I want to hear all your thoughts, sunshine." Will told him. Nico sighed, clearly not too happy with the situation.

"Why does this have to happen to me?" Nico questioned. Will frowned.

"If I go away, it'll probably stop, the telepathy. If you want me to fuck off." Will offered. Nico shook his head.

"No, no. You don't need to go away." Nico clarified.

A loud knock came at the cabin door. It startled both of the boys, along with confusing Nico. He didn't typically get visitors.

Will stood up, walking straight through the wall to see who it was. Will came back through, looking even more confused. "It's Kayla."

"Hello?" Nico opened the door, looking at her questioningly. Kayla had a hand on her hip, looking Nico up and down. Will stood next to Nico, observing.

"So, what's with the coat?" Kayla asked him. Nico didn't know how to answer that, immediately.

"Because it's Will's. That's the college his mom went to, and the zipper's messed up. Why do you have Will's coat? Thief?" She continued.

"We were close and I gave it to you." Will answered.

"I was close to him, he gave it to me when I was cold one night. I never returned it." Nico built on what Will said easily.

"Close? Were you dating or something?" Kayla asked. Nico blushed, shaking his head rapidly.

"No, no. We were just friends." Nico promised, "We were not dating."

Kayla didn't seem to believe that completely. "Are you sure? You can tell me, I wouldn't out you."

"I'm sure. We were just friends." Nico tried to ignore as Will laughed next to him.

"You're so blushy, it's adorable." Will commented. Nico tried to resist blushing even more at that. He failed, and Will laughed a bit more.

"...Okay. Thank you for defending him, against Terry. I mean, I kind of figured he was transitioning since he got more masculine over time, but he never really told anyone. I didn't know for sure."

"Oh. Well, I did, so..." Nico trailed off.

"You really must have been close, then. Well, thank you again, Nico. Don't miss archery again, or I will call you out. I'm contractually obligated to say that, as a child of Apollo." And with that, Kayla walked away and out of his sight. Nico closed the door, sitting back down on a bed.

"See? People do notice when you're missing, Nico." Will smiled. Nico had no comment.

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