25: The End Of A Lie

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Nico woke up absolutely alone.

For the first time in over a month, he was alone in his cabin. And that terrified him-for good reason. Will made a point of being there every single time Nico woke up.

And he wasn't there.

Nico quickly scoured the room, called for Will, making sure he wasn't simply invisible.

He didn't find Will, though he did find his the cabin completely neat and tidy. How someone cleaned up this much in the night was lost to Nico, even he, such a light sleeper, didn't hear it.

A note. It starts with Nico and is signed with William, and Nico's confused and hurt and miserable.


I'm sorry. I didn't expect my body to be found as soon as it did, much less at all. I'm sorry.

I'm a liar. You'll learn that soon enough. Tell Kayla, tell my cabin about me. Tell them about how I'm a ghost, how I told you what to say, how it isn't your fault. Please, please let them know how it isn't your fault, Nico. And that it isn't theirs either. You'll find out why they need to know it isn't their fault either soon enough.

I've left everything folded neat and tidy, and it looks like I'm hiding. But I've left it that way so you know I'm out of hiding.

You don't need poltergeists for sidekicks. You don't need more ghosts in your cabin. You don't need me.

And that's why I'll never bother you again. I'm just a ghost out of my grave. I should never have acted like anything more, I should never have talked to you, I should never have lied.

I'll leave you unhaunted.

Please, please know that I am sorry. I am so, so, so sorry. I fucked up. I'm so sorry.


Nico only had time to read it once before there was a banging at the door. Loud, harsh, determined. Nico got the door, revealing none other than Kayla Knowles. She gets in his face, infuriated.

"You LIED! We found his fucking body, di Angelo, and you are a fucking liar. There's nothing showing that he was attacked, nothing wrong with his abdomen like you told one of us, none of it! What the fuck is wrong with you?" She shouted. Nico quickly back away, honestly afraid of the enraged woman.

Nico started to explain, only to be interrupted.

"Likely fucking story! He's a ghost? Bull-fucking-shit, Nico! Don't lie! You're a piece of shit!" She was beside herself, having no idea as to what to even do, "We have no idea! We have no idea how he died now, Nico! Your lies, your bullshit, will fuck with us! An autopsy is being run right now and people are there, still hoping you didn't lie, because we have no fucking idea!"

"Kayla. Read this." Nico shoved the note in Kayla's hands, near tears himself because he was lied to too. Because he thought he could trust the blond boy, and sure he was suspicious of Will's death but he thought he could trust him.

"Holy shit." Kayla stared at the paper in her hands, unbelieving. "That's his handwriting. That's... Will..."

"I'm going out and finding him. He claimed he loved me, if he thinks he can just run away with nothing but a note of warning, he's fucking wrong." Nico decided. Before Kayla could question that, Nico was out the door.

He was going to find Will.

a/n one more chapter lads. should I post it tonight or let you suffer?

~I've Been Ghosting~ SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now