8: Question

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Will appeared and disappeared, walking around Nico as he did so. He had a goofy grin as he did so, seeming too happy about it.

"I feel like the Cheshire cat. This is great." Will commented. Nico waited for him to stay still to think.

"Stay still so I can telepathy to you, Solace. You're the one that insists on staying around me, I'd prefer that we can talk without me having to move my mouth." Nico told him. Will knew to stay still as Nico talked, out of politeness.

"Speaking of, you need to eat. Just a little bit, at least, you should get your stomach back to being able to eat. If you don't make yourself sick. Or don't, I mean, you don't have to, it's just a suggestion obviously." Will sat down finally, looking Nico in the eyes.

The thing about Will, in his ghostly form, is that he had no color. He was golden, he did look like light, but there was no other colors. There were varying shades of the golden, yellowish light-which was nice, it made him easier to see and make out. His hair was a different shade from his face, for example, so one could actually tell the difference.

But other than shade differences, he had no color. His jacket wasn't gray like it was when he was alive, his shoes weren't grey with teal highlights, his shorts weren't blue, and his camp shirt wasn't orange. Most importantly, his eyes weren't the nice, yet piercing, blue color. Which was definitely a shame.

Nico nodded, "I know, I'll try." He took a bite of an apple-the only thing he ever seemed to have-looking only slightly sick.

"The war was a while ago, why do you still have a messed up eating pattern? If you're okay with answering, of course."

"I just keep forgetting to eat. I had my appetite right for a while, and then the people forcing me to eat went off to their own lives. So I forgot." Nico explained. Will frowned.

"That's shitty. Losing your support system is always the worst, it's not fun. Do you still talk to any of the seven?" Will asked, and Nico seemed pretty surprised by the curiosity.

"Hazel, my sister. She and Frank are just over at camp Jupiter, so it makes it easier. I visit occasionally too." Nico answered.

"Well that's good!" Will smiled.

"Oh, I just remembered. Why did you say that we've both dealt with starving before? The other day?" Nico questioned.

"To make you listen to me?"

"I know that much, you genius, but the statement itself." Nico clarified. Will looked kind of uneasy at that.

"Well, you know, you've been through a lot and all. I heard you went through Tartarus and all, and the pot... Thing... I just knew that you've gone through starving." Will answered. Which was true, talk got around of all of the seven's trials, along with Nico's.

"And you?" Nico asked. Will glanced away with that.

"I forgot to eat a lot, too, thanks to Infirmary work. Among other things. I mostly worked it out just before I died, so I'm not as thin as I was at one point. Which is good."

"Ah. I was simply curious."

~I've Been Ghosting~ SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now