22: Answers

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"Will Solace is, in a ghostly form, following you around. You can talk to him telepathically, which is something you cannot do with any other ghost you've interacted with?" Annabeth clarified.


"Prove it." Percy told him. Nico looked at Will, waiting.

Will grabbed a blanket from a bed and made a show of picking it up, then threw it on himself. "I'm a ghoooost. Boo."

"That was him. I could see him pick it up, and he just said that he was a ghost. Boo." Nico explained.

"It isn't that I don't believe you, Nico, but maybe you could prove to us that it actually is Will Solace? And when did Will die?" Annabeth questioned.

"Will, do the writing plan thing. He died around a month ago, protecting a younger camper from a monster in the forest." Nico replied. Will held up a piece of paper, with the writing:

I am William James Solace, a bisexual son of Apollo. You can ask Kayla Knowles, she'll tell you that that's accurate.

Percy seemed to accept that. "So how do we get him to the underworld, is that the question? Or how you're telepathic?"

"Both, mostly the latter. I've talked to ghosts plenty, never developed the ability for them to hear all my thoughts. And they don't stay around this long."

"Has he, per chance," Annabeth clearly had an idea, "Ever entered a dream of yours?"

"Yes. A nightmare about Tartarus. He appeared and protected me from a monster there." Nico told her.

"I want you to know, this isn't for sure. But here is my theory. Fate has to happen, you know that. The fates have their plans and those plans have to happen-it cannot be escaped. What is happening here may be a sort of unfinished business. You and Will may be connected through fate, whatever that fate may be. So, even after Will has died, you two can do more than most, in order for that fate and destiny to occur." Annabeth clarified, "That is just a theory."

"That's my wise girl for you." Percy smiled, snaking his arm around Annabeth's waist.

"What the fuuuuck." Will commented.

"What would that fate be? What do we have to do?" Nico asked.

"Will Solace is the dude that made you spend three days in the Infirmary, right?" Percy mentioned.


"And he said he is bisexual. And you're gay." Percy hinted, very obviously.

"We aren't even that close." Nico told him.

"You have been talking for around a month, correct? It is completely viable that you two are, well, made for each other." Annabeth sided with her fiance.

"Huh." Will added simply.

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