Chapter 1

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Thozi's POV:

Beep beep. Beep beep. The consistent sound of the alarm on the bedside table woke me up in an instance my one peaceful sleep, the duvet covers wrapped all around both my legs as my face was buried deep into the pillow beneath me. On opening my eyes to face the fact of reality all around me in my bedroom I groaned, the summer sunshine here in Lyon bursting through the vague gap of the curtain. Five minutes extra sleep is all I am asking for, just five more minutes until I can be comfortable with facing the hectic day in the office which I have to be faced with from nine until five. A typical day for me really, stuck in front of a computer screen going through emails beyond emails. This really is something I wish not to face today.

Do not get me wrong, I do love my job – working as a secretary for the French football club Lyon, but these early half past seven wake up calls do take their toll on me by the end of the day. So without thinking it through any more than necessary I say up in bed, stretching out a little and letting yet again another groan escape out from my lips before wondering off into the direction of the bathroom to shower. Stripping off the lack of clothes I originally had on I soon turned on the shower, waiting for it come to a reasonable heat before stepping inside of it. Allowing for the hot and steamy water to cascade down my naked body, causing for an ever so slight smile to grace my lips so early on this morning. A miracle is it not? I am aware.

But just as I started to wash myself and my hair to prepare for the scorching hot head in the office at Lyon something immediately popped into my head, or rather a date if I am to be in a state of honesty with you, today in fact. My mother’s birthday. Of course I sent her a small card in the post and whatever but in doing so I really do not know why I bothered to seeing as the two of us have not seen eye to eye since I was nineteen, give years ago now. What it was over you may ask? A boy, well a man. But not just any kind of man, oh no definitely not. This man just so happens to go by the name of Karim Benzema, the Real Madrid and France striker. We were together many years ago now and let’s just say, it did not end well for us.

To put it all a little more clearer to you the reason my mother and I no longer speak to each other let alone see each other is all down to my ex-boyfriend, Karim, like I just explained in a brief explanation to you. But the true reason of mine and my mother’s broken relationship is the fact that I chose to move away from my family home in Paris to Lyon with Karim, all in which happened over just a year of us being together and on and off, so as you can already imagine my mother was not a big fan of the idea. Can you really blame her though? After all, I was her nineteen year old daughter without any form of a stable job. And there I was going ahead with moving in with the man I was on and off with, if only I had just listened to her…

Still the very same conversation – or rather argument, with my mother continued to play all through my mind as my one last memory with her. It is something which I never wanted to happen between us, screaming and shouting at one another over a stupid mistake in which I decided to make. Choosing my head over my heart. If I could go back and change all of what I said to her then believe me, I would, I would change it all in a heartbeat. All I want is for my mother to accept me back into her life again, try to rekindle the strong mother and daughter relationship which we once had. But with how things ended I really cannot see it happening.


‘Sitting on the sofa to the empty house with all of my belonging packed into the suitcases in which were surrounding me I sighed, optimistic in how all of this may pan out for me. Never did I expect I would be facing a situation as brutal as this – choosing my family here in Paris over possibly the love of my life in Lyon. They say that when you love someone that you give your absolute all to them, do what makes you happy and live with no regrets. And that is all I am doing right now. I am no longer my mother’s little girl anymore, in a couple of months I will be twenty, facing this big, bad world by myself. This is a brand new start of my life, one in which I want to take. And whether or not it works out or not for me, at least I tried it out.

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