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"Nova?" I turn around seeing Cameron with flowers in his hand

"Cam!" I yell jumping into his arms giggling

He laughs at my behavior before setting me back on the ground.

"What are you doing here?" I smile

"You didn't think I was gonna miss your big day did you?" He says chuckling

"Does dad know?" I ask causing both of our smiles to drop

"Yeah. He wasn't exactly happy but he can't keep me away from my own sister" he says hugging me again

I smile before being interrupted by Zion. Cameron looks between us, giving me a questioning look.

"Uh, Sorry. Zion, meet my brother Cameron. Cameron, meet Zion" I say introducing them

"Nice to meet you man" Cameron says holding out his hand

"You too" Zion smiles shaking his hand

It falls awkward as we all just stand there. Me, not really knowing what to say at that very moment.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go get something from the snack table. Excuse me" I say walking away

I let out a sigh of relief once I'm away from the awkward situation. I grab another strawberry, trying to think of why I keep running into this random boy. I know for a fact that I've never met him before so why does he seem so interested in me?

"Nova" I hear behind me making me turn for the millionth time tonight

"Emery?" I smile

He smiles back, embracing me in a tight hug. Yes, the infamous Emery T Kelly. Otherwise known as my best friend. Weird right? We had met a few years ago before he had come out with his band, forever in your mind. He had helped me through a lot, despite being the famous being he is. Emery was the most amazing person I had met and he always supported me through whatever.

"What are you doing here?" I question

"I was invited. Plus, I would have come anyway" he smiles

"I'm glad your here. I still can't believe they signed me" I sigh

"Well believe it! You're the real deal" he says releasing a chuckle

Teenager in love // z.k ( S L O W U P D A T E S)Where stories live. Discover now