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"we can't keep doing this cameron" i groan

we were once again, sitting outside of our mothers house. stalkerish? yes, indeed it was but we both knew we couldn't just keep sitting outside her house. at this rate, we would never get to fully be reunited with her.

"we can't just go up to her door and tell her who we are Nova" he sighs

"who can't?" i day opening my door

i quickly get out, slamming the door behind me. from behind me, i could hear Cams footsteps following after me.

"Nova! Novs!" he yells as i knock on the door

i ignore him as the door swings open. it reveals the boy from yesterday. his dark drown hair styled to a T, his green eyes sparkling, and his cheek red as his smile is even bigger up close.

"hello. how can i help you?" he questions

"Eli? Who's at the door?" a woman with curly dark hair asks coming to the door

her green eyes widen slightly at the sight of me and cameron in her doorway. cameron releases a nervous chuckle while i wave towards her awkwardly.

"um, i'm sorry. what were your names?" the boy Eli, asks chuckling

"i'm move and this is my brother cameron" i say introducing us

"nice to meet you guys. i'm Elijah but everybody calls me Eli. this is my mom, jennifer" he says with a smile

all of our gazes then turns over to our mother. tears have filled her eyes as she smiles brightly at us. i can feel my heartbeat speed up a bit but calms as she brings me into her arms.

"hey love bug" she whispers in my ear

"hey mama"

Teenager in love // z.k ( S L O W U P D A T E S)Where stories live. Discover now