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"And I win again. You suck more than usual" I chuckle

"Yeah, yeah. Are you staying tonight?" He questions laying beside me

I turn over looking at the clock. 2:36 am. Yikes. Wouldn't be the first time this week I would be going home around this time. Ever since I had told Zion about my mom, we had been spending the week together until it was time for me to leave.

"I should get home" I sigh sitting up

Zion groans before rolling on top of me and pinning me to the bed.

"Please stay" he pouts

I release a giggle, leaning up to connect our lips. Of course, like any other time, we are interrupted.

"I love you guys, I do. Don't get me wrong but we really don't need little Zions and Novas running around here soon" nick snickers

"Go to bed Mara" I roll my eyes

He laughs one last time before closing the door. I turn my attention back towards Zion as everything goes silent once more.

"So, are you staying?" He smiles


"I'll call you once we've landed okay?" I say into my phone

After the long weekend with Zion, Saturday had gotten here faster than I thought it would. Me and Cameron we're now standing at He entrance of our terminal, waiting to be seated.

"Just be careful, okay baby? I just don't won't anything to happen to you" he says making my heart melt at his words

"I know and I promise I will, Z. Don't worry so much. I promise everything will be okay. I'll call you later though. My planes about to board" I say quickly

"Okay. Be careful, stay with Cameron, I l- um, I'll talk to you later. Bye"

(PSA: I get if you like my books and my ideas but don't steal them. I was on Instagram and this girl literally stole my idea for this book and tried to make it her own. Sorry sis but you obviously didn't try hard enough cause that's not your idea.. it was mine. I would appreciate it if you didn't steal but if you're going to, at least change it up. K? Thanks)

Teenager in love // z.k ( S L O W U P D A T E S)Where stories live. Discover now