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i can feel my eyes open as i stir awake. i'm freezing due to the temperature of the room and my head is pounding even harder due to the snoring caused by Nick.

"god nick! shut up" i groan throwing one of my pillows at him

"nova?" i hear Elijah question

my gaze falls to the bottom of my bed where he current resides. i give him a warm smile before my attention is brought to the hand holding mine.

"don't ever do that to me again. you scared me" Cameron says throwing his arms around me

"i'm sorry" i chuckle before throwing my arms around his neck

"hey! you didn't have to throw your pillow at me" nick huffs

i giggle as everyone else shares glances. i release a sigh before exchanging my next words.

"can i have a moment alone with Zion please? we really need to talk" i say rubbing my hands together

they nod getting the message, as they all scurry out of the room. once the door is shut, i look towards Zion.

"i'm-" i say before i'm cut off

"i love you. i love you so much and i'm so happy. so very happy, you have no idea" he says falling into my lap

i tightly wrap my arms around him as i take in the moment.

"i'm guessing you know?"

"yes i do. i'm glad your back but don't ever leave without telling me"

"i won't. i promise. i love you so much"

"good because i'm never leaving you or our baby. we are in this together forever"

i smile at his words as tears gather in my eyes. i knew we were pretty young but i couldn't help but feel as if we could do this. it might be hard but as long as i have him and my family, i knew we could get through anything.


"how far along are you?" my mom asks

"twelve weeks as of yesterday" i smile

"i can't believe we are gonna have a little niece or nephew running around soon" Edwin gushes

"i know" brandon says

"i still can't believe you're pregnant" cameron says

i look towards him with a slight frown gracing my face. i knew that it would be hard to tell everyone once i knew but if i had to have anyone's blessing, it would be my brothers.

"you okay?" Zion asks

i nod with a half smile before turning my gaze towards the window. the scenery went on for miles and it would help me not think about how i could have possibly disappointed my brother at the news.

"guys, why don't we go down to the cafeteria. i know you all must be starving" my mom suggested

the boys all mumble in agreement.

"you want anything?" zion questions

"surprise me" i smile

he nods, kissing my head and following after the others. my gaze then turns back towards the scenery out the window, letting my thoughts run wild.

"novs? can we talk?" cameron asks

i turn quickly towards him, nodding my head and sitting up. he takes the seat beside my bed, getting comfortable and grabbing onto my hand.

"you know i love you right? and i support you in anything you do?" he says

i nod, getting him to continue on

"i am proud of you. yes, you are young but it takes a responsible person to buck up and handle their responsibilities. no matter what goes on in your life, i'll always love and support you through whatever"

tears stream down my face at his speech. i bring him in for a hug, crying on his shoulder.

"i love you cameron. thank you for being the best brother and the best friend i could ever have"

Teenager in love // z.k ( S L O W U P D A T E S)Where stories live. Discover now