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Sam's POV

Hazel and JJ came walking up to us. We were in line for the Ferris wheel. I remembered she had told me it was her favorite ride. She smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

~~~~~the next day~~~~~

I was dressed as best I had packed and knocked on Hazel's door. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. I pulled out my phone and called her. It went straight I voicemail. I knew something was not right. Her phone was always charged. I ran straight to Jack's room and knocked quickly.

"I'm coming! Calm down!" He opened the door and I ran straight inside. "What's wrong?"

"When did you last hear from Hazel?" His eyes went wide.

"Last night. Why? What happened!"

"I don't know!" I started pacing. "Her phone is going straight to voicemail and no one answered their door. She knew our date was now, so she would've been there."

"Just calm down! I'm sure there is a reason. Let's get the rest of the guys, okay?" I nodded my head and sent out a text.

SW: Emergency Magcon meeting in teh Jack room. NOW.

I opened the door and everyone ran in. Everyone except Hazel.

"Where is Hazel?" Taylor asked. Everyone else shared a concerned look.

"That's what this is about. We can't find her and her phone goes straight to voicemail. Who was the last person to see her? Hayes?"

"I don't know! She didn't come back to our room last night and I figured she was with Sam." She wasn't even here last night. I'm a terrible friend! I'm a terrible boyfriend.

"Okay, we all need to work together. Look everywhere she might have gone last night. Something may have happened to her. Think of people who might have done something." My heart broke as Jack said this. We knew it was a possibility. Between crazy fans and crazy stepdads, people hated her for no reason.

"Let's go!"

Hazel's POV

I woke up to darkness. My head was throbbing and my left arm wouldn't move. I lifted my other arm to my head and flinched. I was definitely bleeding. I looked around as my eyes started to adjust.

I was in a dark, mostly-empty room. There was a table opposite of me and a door on the far wall. I saw my cell phone crushed into pieces on the floor next to me. I tried to stand but my knees caved.

A heard clanking outside of the door and laid back down. The door opened and light burst through. A shadow appeared in the doorway. The figure came closer until I could see who it was. Holy fucking shit.

Hayes POV

This is all my fault. I should've known something was wrong when she didn't come back last night. If a fan did something, it's double my fault! I'm the one who forced her into this. She probably hates me now.

Nash and I finally got to the field we were at last night. The thought of it made me smile. But only for a second.

"This is so pretty! How did you guys know about this?" Hazel stood smiling with an arm around Sam and one around me.

"It just, happened!" We all laughed and ran around. We eventually got worn out and all laid down. We talked for a while and laughed. The family was together. We never wanted it to end.

"I guess she isn't here. Who would want her the most?" We thought for a second and realized at the same time. We jumped into the car and I called Sam.

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