VI - Treble Clef

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Chapter 6 – Treble Clef

After joining SOARA, Airee decided to transfer from the Literature Institute to the Music Institute and shared some of her classes with Adrian and Ritsu. They ended up posting their audio-only covers on youtube because Airee refused to let people know about the real them. She wants people to know them as SOARA and Adrian and Ritsu eventually agreed to her decision.

One day, while reading a manga on one of the many benches at their school which overlooks the soccer field, Airee was greeted by a screaming Ritsu and a very excited Adrian.

"What? What happened?" Airee asked, startled by their expressions and actions.

"Airee, guess what!"

"What?" She raised her eyebrow in confusion.

Ritsu, without saying anything, shoved his phone to her face to let her see the number of subscribers on their Youtube channel.

It read 6M subscribers.

"Holy shit." She muttered. "How?"

"It's because of the billboard!"


"Yeah. Ever since the final preparations were done, Tokyo Dome made their move and made a billboard out of our tour poster and placed it at the entrace and people saw it. I guess they got curious of us, since we're the less popular among the three, and decided to check us out." Adrian explain, scratching his head sheepishly.

"Wow, this is great." Airee smiled.

"We have a long way to go but this is a start for us. For real this time!" Ritsu gave them both a thumbs up.

It's only been a good eight months since they released their debut EP. They've worked hard ever since ONE OK ROCK signed them into A-Sketch. And now that they're recording their next EP in a few months, they knew that they've got to work harder.

"Airee, how's the song writing going?" Ritsu asked.

"I got you. Don't worry. I finished writing two songs. That makes four. How about you guys?"

"We started a little something. Two, to be exact. We'll be needing your help with that." Adrian said.

"No problem. We can do this. And don't rush, guys. We'll be experiencing more in this next tour, we'll be going to new places which means more chances for inspirations." She smiled as the two agreed.

"Let's go home, shall we? We gotta work on our thesis now." Airee said, closing the manga she was reading and stuffing it into her bag before standing up.

The two boys stayed in Airee's apartment again so they could work on their thesis. Finals are fast approaching, as well as their graduation and they're beyond excited.


Calum buried his head into his arms, letting out a loud groan.

"What's wrong, Calum?" Luke's voice interrupted his moment of mourning as a mug of coffee was placed in front of him.

"Thanks, Luke." Calum sighed and took a sip from the coffee Luke made for him. (A/N: CAKE AF)

"I just can't find the right words." Calum complained, leaning his head further on the leather chair he was sitting on. "This song has been haunting me for weeks, you know. I even sang it in my dreams multiple times but I can't seem to remember the words."

Luke chuckled at that. "You work too hard, Cal. Take a break, will ya? Come on, let's play FIFA. Don't rush the songwriting or else you'll end up writing a song with lyrics that makes no sense and the fans are gonna make up memes about it again."

"Shut up." He glared but stood up from his workstation anyway, grabbed his coffee and followed Luke to their entertainment room to play FIFA.

"So, guys, are we going to rearrange our setlist for the next tour or...?" Michael drifted off upon realizing that the two are not listening. He pouted and walked to the kitchen and spotted Ashton making dinner for them.

"What are you making, Ash?" He asked.

"Scrambled eggs, Mike. That's all I can make, you know." Ashton laughed.

"Can we order Chinese?"

"Go ahead, I'm actually craving for some right now."

"Okay!" Michael tapped on his phone to dial a number and made their usual orders before running back to the entertainment room to watch Calum and Luke play FIFA.

"Ah fuck, I lost again!" Calum cursed, burying his head into the pillows that was scattered on the sofa they were on.

"That's because you're head is not in the game." Luke laughed.

"Lemme play!" Michael said and Calum handed the control to him and he and Luke started a new game of FIFA.

"I'll go check on Ash." Calum said, standing up and left the room.

"Hey, Cal." Ash greeted with a smile.

"Hey, what are you cooking?"

"Scrambled eggs."

"Ohhh. Cool."

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Hm? Nothing, just thinking about some words for the song."

"Again? Lighten up, Cal. There's no need to rush."

Calum nodded but sighed. "I know. I just...I just can't keep myself steady, you know. I've been really bothered by SOARA lately. Especially their center."

"Why? You scared that she's a better songwriter than you?" Ashton teased.

"No." Calum remained serious.

Ashton gasped.

"Don't tell like her?"

"What? No! I don't even know the girl!" Or did he?

 Ashton was gone, screaming to the other members how Calum was in love SOARA's center and Calum got teased literally the whole night.

here's an update to the very few readers of this book lol :D i just got home from a cosplay event so yeahhh

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