XX - Sharp

13 1 8

Chapter 20 – Sharp

Airee laid on her bed as soon as she settled her bags on the floor. She inhaled the scent of the room, she missed this. She missed being on the tour bus. Again, since she's the only female in the group, A-Sketch made sure that she got her own room while Adrian and Ritsu slept in the common room on their bunks.She insisted at first, because she thought it was unfair that she got to stay in a room but the others don't. But Adrian and Ritsu told her that it was fine and that it was also a sign of their respect since they're guys and all. She accepted to be in a separate room in one condition: She also get to sleep on a bunk instead of a normal bed.And that's how she ended up with a bunk inside a room. The top part of the bunk is where she usually puts the gifts that she receives from fans. 5 Seconds of Summer got their own tour bus as well as ONE OK ROCK. The buses are currently parked somewhere in LAX while they waited for the workers to settle in their other stuff.

A knock interrupted her thoughts and she sat up after she told the person to enter.

"Nice place you got here." She was greeted by Calum's shy smile as he completely entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"Heyah." She greeted with a tired voice.

"Oh, were you about to take a nap? I can leave, we'll talk later." Calum scratched the back of his head as he took a step backwards.

"I'm fine. You can stay, don't worry." She smiled at him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." She patted the spot next to her, silently telling him to seat next to her and they both rested their backs on the wall, their feet dangling on the edge of the bed.

"What did you come here for?" She asked after a moment of comfortable silence.

"Nah, just wanted to see what you were up to." He replied with a smile, turning his head to the side as he looked down at her.

She gave out a soft laugh and replied,"Well, I was actually planning on catching up on Game of Thrones today."

"What season are you in? I'm stuck on season four, haven't really got the time to watch." He shrugged.

She stretched before crawling to her pile of bags, and pulled out her laptop from her backpack.

"I'm on season four! You're watching it with me, Hood." She squinted her eyes at him as she settled back beside him, the laptop resting on their laps.

"I've got no complaints, Fielberth."He chuckled.

And they started their first ever Game of Thrones marathon together, inside a tour bus, while waiting for their tour staff to finish settling down their stuff and the equipment needed for the tour.


"Airee's missing out on these cheese sticks!" Ritsu said, munching on his fifth cheese stick.

"We can always buy more later, or you can stop eating and save some for her!" Adrian scolded.

"They're delicious." Ritsu replied, not stopping on eating those cheese sticks anytime soon.

Michael and Ashton chuckled as they watched the scene unfold in front of them, eating their cheese sticks as well.

"Hey, have you seen Calum?" Luke asked, as he sat beside Michael.

They were currently hanging out at the common room of 5SOS' tour bus and since Ashton bought too many cheese sticks, they decided to invite SOARA minus Airee since Ritsu said "She's at the bus, she'll be here later... I think. Once she realizes we're gone." He ended with a shrug and the rest of them just replied with an awkward laugh.

"He's been gone for like....an hour..no, two actually." Ashton answered after checking the time on his phone.

Before any of them can say anything, Tomoya appeared at the door.

"Is Airee here?"

And everyone looked at each other with wicked smiles on their faces, something just clicked in their minds and that left Tomoya confused as hell.

"Oh, we know where she is."


Calum's eyes are trained on the screen in front of them as he continued to concentrate on watching the series. He felt Airee's head on his shoulder, he didn't mind and stayed quiet. Not long after, he heard soft snores from beside him. He carefully turned his head to her, so as not to cause too much movement that'll wake her up. Upon seeing that she was indeed asleep, he used his other hand to turn off the laptop and closed the lid before settling it down beside him so that it wouldn't fall during their sleep.

He wanted to let her sleep with her head on an actual pillow but he loved the way she snuggled to him, he loved the faint smell of cherry blossoms that came from her hair, he loved how comfortable he was in their position. He decided to stay and just let her sleep, he wanted her to wake up with him being still there with her and maybe they could continue watching Game of Thrones after.

He was about to rest his head on hers and close his eyes in hopes of catching up on his sleep as well when the soft creak of the door stopped him. He blinked and diverted his eyes to the door only to see Ashton, Michael, Luke, Adrian and Ritsu looking at him with a smug looks on their faces, it was obvious that they're on the brink of letting out their laughs according to the small 'pfffts' they were letting out. He rolled his eyes and glared at them before putting his finger in front of his lips, telling them to shut up before they wake Airee up.

 Ashton and Adrian put up their hands in surrender and dragged the boys away from the door and closing it. Calum made a mental note to thank the two later. He sighed and finally rested his head on hers and closed his eyes. He can even see the stupid smile he was wearing.


My class was supposed to end at 7:30 tonight but i went home earlier because none of our professors have shown up since 7:30 this morning and that's why i decided to give you guys an update! thanks for the support! don't forget to share this story to your friends :D

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