VIII - Tenor Clef

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Chapter 8 – Tenor Clef

"Calum, they're here!" Calum heard Michael call out from downstairs. He scribbled down the last words that was on his mind onto the paper before putting down his pen and going downstairs to help his band mates carry in their wardrobe cases that the people from management delivered for them.

After waving goodbye to the movers,they settled their wardrobe cases in their living room, moving the sofa closer to the TV to give it more space. They each got their own wet cloths to clean each of them.

"Wow, two weeks and we're touring again!" Michael beamed, his head buried inside his case as he wiped the dust from the hanger tube with the cloth.

"Yeah. It's been a while." Ashton agreed while pulling out the drawers of his case and cleaning the sliders. Afterwards, he did the same to the drawers before putting them back in to where the originally were.

"Let's put on some music." Luke suggested, plugging in his speakers to his phone and scrolling through the series of albums that he saved on his Spotify account.

"SOARA?" Calum asked.

"Sure. I got you, mate." Luke chuckled. A few taps later, SOARA's main playlist started playing. Ashton and Michael occasionally singing and humming to the songs.

"They cover a lot of English songs for a Japanese band." Calum commented as he cleaned his drawers,making sure that no more tiny particles of dust was left before pushing them back in.

"Yeah, I noticed, too. They're good.They mostly covered pop songs but they added a bit of rock into it and it sounds better. I heard that the guitarist is half-Chinese but he can speak fluent English." Luke said, walking to their shoe cabinet to grab the little broom they owned and started brushing the corners of his wardrobe to get rid of the remaining particles of dust before wiping the surface with the wet cloth.

"Yeah, the drummer is the only pure Japanese among them." Michael added.

"Their drummer is dope. His form and techniques are kinda similar to Tomoya's." Ashton said, wiping off the sweat from his forehead as he stood in front of his case.

"Maybe it's because Tomoya is his senior? They're from the same label, after all." Michael thought out loud.

Ashton shrugged. "Anyway, you guys up for some pancakes?" He asked his band mates after a long pause.

"Pancakes at three pm?" Luke chuckled.

"Hey, it's not like pancakes taste horrible during the afternoons!" Ashton bit back.

Luke held up his hands in surrender,causing Calum and Michael to laugh.

"Point taken, Ash!"

"Pancake sounds good!" Michael cheered.

"Okay then!" Ashton closed his wardrobe case after making sure it's completely clean and headed to the kitchen to make pancakes for them.

The three continued to clean their cases while humming along to SOARAs songs, Ashton doing the same in the kitchen while pouring pancake batter all over the pan.

Half an hour later, the pancakes are ready and Ashton called his band mates who were done cleaning their cases minutes ago. They gathered around the kitchen island, chewing on the pancakes that Ashton made, talking about their setlist for the tour.

"We should keep If You Don't Know in the list." Luke said.

Michael nodded before adding with teasing tone, "Yeah, everyone loves that and literally heart-eyes for Calum during his solo."

Almost Forgot - Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now