The Fire Demon

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Sasha, aka the potato girl, just finished running and then she collapsed to the ground. She sniffed the air, and smelled. Food.

She snatched whatever was there lightning fast and began to chew whatever she had in her mouth. Then a very high pitched voice said "I'm sorry there isn't more. It's all I could take."

The red-head looked and saw a little girl sitting there holding a small water jug in her hands. She had amazing blue eyes. Long blonde hair and had the gentlest look of anyone she had ever met.

She shouted very loudly. "Your a goddess aren't you? GLORY UNTO YOU!!!"


The two looked over, and saw a huge reptilian face looking at them. They were about scream, but the massive creature said, "Try to keep it down, will you?" The thing was clearly talking to Sasha.

Sasha just said fearfully and crazily. "Why? Why shouldn't I scream!? I could wake up the whole camp if I did!!"

"That's the first reason why you shouldn't." The beast stated, confusing both of them. "The second reason is because you won't need to." "I'm not gonna eat you, I promise. Besides, I'm sure both of you taste horrible."

The girl who was almost mauled by Sasha got up and walked slowly toward the creature. "Who are you?" She asked sweetly but cautiously.

"I'm Godzilla, and who are you?" He asked politely.

The girl smiled and said, "Krista Lenz."

Godzilla smiled and said it was nice to meet her. Then Sasha told them her name, another girl came walking by and interrupted their conversation. She said her name was Ymir Fritz and she was not impressed, or at least..... that's what her face said. Godzilla then said goodnight to them, as they all went to their cabins.

The next morning was training on the ODM's, a few people were excited, while others were quite nervous. A few people struggled, however Mikasa was just hanging there like she was bored of doing it. An officer commented, "Completely steady, she inherently knows what do and how to make it happen, that's what aptitude is all about." Godzilla, however was not impressed. He simply rolled his eyes and said "show off."

Eren on the other hand was hanging upside down, embarrassed by everyone watching and making fun of this while Shadis shouted in his face.

Godzilla sighed through his nostrils and looked down at Eren. "I knew this wouldn't end well." He thought to himself.

Godzilla later awoke to sound of Mikasa's voice. He looked over and saw Eren and the others trying again with the ODM's. Armin cranked the cable, lifting him up, only to have Eren land back on his head. They all heard something behind them, looked over and saw Godzilla, "Boy, I hate to say I told you so buut-" then the rest of Eren dropped to the ground. "Nevermind."

That night, Eren was so embarrassed that he couldn't complete task of hanging perfectly with the ODM's. He had bandages wrapped around his head from his last time. He felt like he was never going to achieve his goal. He felt miserable that he ended up with a head injury after a second try. Then he met two soldiers named Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover. They helped him with what he needed to do and how to do it properly, later that night, they brought him and Armin to a spot on the edge of a cliff. Looking over a beautiful view of a lake, with the light of the full moon, it made it twice as beautiful.

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