W. O. T. G

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Last night, was the greatest gift Mikasa could ever ask for. A night with Eren, a passionate kiss, and an experience of love. She was happy, she was finally with the boy of her life, and he was happy to.

The blankets of the bed covered both of them, and they slept so peacefully you would think they were dead. But they were very much alive, for now.

Mikasa's eyes fluttered open, and she saw Eren asleep facing her. She gave a small giggle, and kissed his forehead. Eren's eyes opened a crack, and then he smiled at Mikasa.

They both got up and out of bed. They were both unaware of what this day had planned for them.

When they were outside, they saw that it was quite cloudy, but then suddenly they saw three boys walking into the forest. Though they couldn't see their faces, they noticed that their hair were very strange colours. The tallest of them had red hair, orangeish red. The second tallest had light brown hair, though it looked kind of yellow. And the shortest one had dark green hair, yes, dark green hair.

The couple decided not to follow them, but then they saw two familiar faces. Reiner and Bertholdt. The Armoured and Colossal Titan. Then they knew something was wrong. Then, they followed.

When they entered the forest, they hid themselves in the bushes and listened to the traitors and their new friends talk.

"Good, now just remember. Strike to subdue. Not, to kill. Their no good to us if their dead. Do you understand?" Reiner said.

"Y-y-yes s-s-sir!" Said the yellow haired boy saluting. "I knew I could count on you Sanda." Replied Reiner, then he looked at the green haired boy. "Hey! Were you listening to a word that I just said Gaira?!" Gaira looked over to Reiner, and said, "why don't we just eat them all and then we can be done with it." The red haired boy stepped up to him. "I agree with Gaira. Except for the eating part, other than that I just wanna kill them all." "I always did have a liking for you Gabara." Said Gaira. "SHUT UP!!" Reiner shouted. They all flinched. "We can not. Kill them. Their useless if their dead." Gaira and Gabara exhaled, and then rolled their eyes. "Fine. But I expect something in return!" Gabara said.

They all nodded, and walked deeper into the forest. Eren and Mikasa were both watching as the mysterious group disappeared from their sight. Cautiously, they broke their cover, and edged closer.

"Right. On. Time." A voice said. They turned around and saw Gabara and Gaira circling them. Gabara smiled evilly at them both, Gaira was busy licking his lips. "My, my, what a cute little couple we have here." Gabara said slyly. "Cute enough to eat." Replied a smiling, drooling Gaira. Then, out of the bushes came a stern Reiner, and a sweaty Sanda and Bertholdt.

"Hello Eren, it's been a while." Reiner said. "Reiner, you lying son of a bitch!" Eren said coldly. Gaira stared hungrily at Mikasa. "Hmm, never tasted Ackerman flesh before, I wonder if it's any good." But he was blocked by Reiner. "Not. Yet." He said, and Gaira backed away. Then Reiner looked back at Eren, who looked like he was about to bite himself. "Ah. You transform, and she dies." Reiner threatened, allowing Gaira to rush forward and grab Mikasa. Eren immediately lowered his hand. Gaira was licking his lips and teeth maliciously, still looking hungrily at Mikasa. Eren looked at Reiner with anger in his eyes. "What do you want?" He said.

"I want you to join me, and help us exterminate humanity." Reiner told him, "if you do, than I promise, no harm will come to Mikasa, Armin, or any more of your friends." At first, Eren was just going to say no. But he could not afford to have any of his friends hurt. He had to agree, before he could even open his mouth to speak, he heard something. And almost as if they read its mind, Eren and Mikasa immediately figured out the plan of what had caused the noise. He looked at Reiner, and said, "fine, I'll do it." And then Reiner gave the signal to Gaira to let Mikasa go.

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