M.U.T.O 1

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The ground erupted, and out came Zilla, roaring in some sort of panic. Godzilla came and tried to calm him down, but Zilla wouldn't respond. Then finally Godzilla grabbed his snout and made Zilla look at him.

"Zilla, look at me, look at me. It's alright, I'm here now. Just. Calm. Down. Please."

Zilla's breathing slowed, and Godzilla removed his claw from Zilla's snout. His amber eyes met Zilla's fiery pupils, and Godzilla said to him, "now, what is it that's got you in such a mood."

Though Zilla could not speak, Godzilla understood his growling language. "Hmm, I see, well then it looks like we'll need investigate this further. I will tell everyone the news, then we'll be on our way." Godzilla said, and then made his way to tell the Survey Corps.

"You're leaving?!?" Connie asked in disbelief that Godzilla had to go on a special journey. "Only for one day, then we will return." Godzilla answered. "But what about Hedorah?! And the special cannons?! And-" Connie was then interrupted by Rodan. "Okay, first off. It's Ghidorah, who is much worse than that giant ball of snot. And second, Zilla told him it was important. So he has to go." "Thank you, Rodan." Godzilla said. "However, I will need to bring a few people with us. The more eyes that there are, the better chance of finding whatever the hell this thing is."

The people who were going with the two lizards were Levi, Hange, Mikasa, Eren and Sanda. And then they were ready to go.

"Good luck guys." Armin said as they left, "you stay out of trouble while we're gone, okay Armin?" Mikasa said. Armin smiled and said to her, "I think I could say the same to you." Mikasa giggled and rolled her eyes. "Come on Armin, it's me, not Annie." Armin smiled slightly. "We're leaving now." Godzilla announced. Mikasa gave Armin a small hug, and then they walked away. Armin turned to his left and saw the twins looking sadly in the direction the party had gone. He thought it was probably because Levi was with them. Armin went inside, he went to the secret tunnel that harboured Annie's crystal. But when he got there, the crystal was gone! And all that was left was a few fragments of what used to be the crystal. Armin gasped, and was about to go warn Commander Erwin when suddenly he heard something in the shadows. It sounded like footsteps, and Armin went to check it out.

"Hey Armin." A familiar voice said. Armin turned around, and his oceanic eyes met the crystal orbs of Annie leonhardt. Armin gasped slightly, "a-a-Annie?" He stuttered, Annie walked towards him slowly, her eyes in their usual emotionless appearance. "Annie, I- uh, I thought you dead, and you- wait. You're out of your crystal! How did this happen?! How did you-"...

Armin was cut off. By Annie's lips ramming into his. Armin's eyes widened, but soon, they closed.

Meanwhile, Godzilla and the others on the journey were walking for quite some time, hours for that matter. Luckily they were still fresh on supplies, but it was extremely hot that day, in fact, it was so hot everyone had shed a layer off. Which actually forced Mikasa to take off her scarf, and Eren needed to take off his shirt, even though all titans except for the Earth Titans survive off of sunlight. But Godzilla was actually not hot at all, unlike the creatures of planet earth, humans included, he can control his body temperature and not overheat.

Most of the time.

It just so happened that Mikasa's eye was caught by the shirtless Eren next to her. As she looked up and down at him she saw that Eren had a stunning eight pack, she smiled a bit, and then she began to play with him. "And when did you get those?" She said in a joking matter. Eren looked at her and smiled. "I think it was the same way as you, through training, and pushing myself, just like you. Sweetheart." Mikasa giggled and blushed a small bit.

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