M.U.T.O 2

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As the group was heading back to headquarters, they were soon joined by Zilla.

"Bout time you showed up, I was having more trouble fighting them than I would have fighting you!" Godzilla said to him. Zilla growled, and they continued on their way.

When they did get back though, the Survey HQ was in ruins. Everyone got off their horses and began searching through the debris. Zilla sniffed the air, and he smelled something. He ran to a large pile of rocks and then roared to Godzilla, he arrived and began removing the rocks.

Once done, they found Mothra and the twins. Godzilla gasped, and lifted them out of the rubble with Zilla supporting her from underneath. Godzilla and Zilla set her down and then Zilla gently nudged her to see if she was okay. Soon her eyes opened and then unexpectedly she hugged Godzilla with her long legs. "It- it was awful, he destroyed everything, we tried to stop him but it was already too late."

Godzilla gently hugged her back, "Mothra, please calm down. We're here now." Mothra slowly calmed, and pulled away from Godzilla, looking into his amber eyes. "Now, tell me what caused this." But before she could answer Eren and Mikasa called for help. The monsters all got up and headed in the direction Eren and Mikasa were.

When they arrived, they saw that a large part of the HQ tower was laying on its side and both Eren and Mikasa were trying to move it. "What are you two doing?" Godzilla asked with confusion, but after closer inspection, he saw a hand underneath the large tower. Godzilla quickly moved the rubble out of the way, and then they all gasped. They saw Armin, safe in the hands of the Female Titan, which was slowly beginning to evaporate. Once the Female Titan was completely gone, out of the nape, emerged Annie Leonhardt herself.

"Armin!" She shouted as she made her way to the blonde haired boy. "Armin! Armin come on, stay with me Armin you're gonna be ok I promise." She sounded very panicked, which was unusual for her. Eren, Mikasa, Godzilla and everyone else stared in astonishment as Annie Leonhardt, the traitor of them, was trying very hard to revive Armin. Then suddenly he coughed, Annie's face lit up and she pulled Armin into a hug. Armin returned the hug, and then they both looked over and saw everyone, with their jaw on the floor, looking shocked.

"Oh, uhh, hey guys, umm, look- uh, I can explain-" "Tell me this isn't the worlds best I told you so." Eren said cutting off Armin. Annie rolled her eyes, and she and Armin stood up.

"HELP! HELP ME!! SOMEONE! PLEASE!!" A crying voice said. They all looked over to the source, "That sounded like Sasha!" Armin explained, and they all rushed to aid. They found Sasha balling her eyes out over the buried body of Connie, trying her hardest to remove a large rock from Connie's legs. Maina, Miana, Sanda and Levi helped to lift the rock off Connie, then unexpectedly Sasha immediately began CPR, trying to resurrect Connie, pumping more air into his lungs. Armin watched the scene before him in shock, his head was flooded with the memory of a certain female soldier named Hannah, giving CPR to her boyfriend, Franz. Way back in Trost.

There was a cough, and it belonged to Connie. "Connie!" Sasha shouted happily. "Connie, the building, it collapsed, I remember seeing a giant monster, and then I saw you trapped under a huge rock and I thought you were dead, so I tried to move it but I couldn't and I called for help then you-"

Sasha was interrupted by Connie lips pressed against hers, she slowly began to calm, and finally returned the kiss. When they parted, Connie said to her "You talk too much Sasha." She couldn't help but let a small giggle escape her. They then looked at where everyone else was standing. Then Godzilla asked, "Sasha, what did this monster look like?" Sasha hesitated at first, "it, it looked like, uhh, like THAT!!" She said pointing behind them.

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