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The scouts cheered as Ghidorah's unconscious body lay flat in the rubble. They may have defeated hundreds of thousands of Titans before, but THIS felt like a true victory for them.

"This isn't over yet" Godzilla said to them.

(Godzilla 2014 soundtrack - The Power Plant)

"Something isn't right, the storm is still continuing..." Godzilla was right, despite Ghidorah being unconscious the storm was still just as bad as before. "Mothra, Rodan. Fly up and see if you see anything."

Mothra and Rodan flew up into the storm and started looking, while the scouts remained uneasy by Godzilla's warning. They slowly started walking around Ghidorah and getting a good look at this alien dragon. "He is quite the beast." Hanji said impressed. "I mean look at him. Three heads, two tails, this creature is one Hundred experiments and a half." Then suddenly the ground started shaking. And it didn't just shake, it moved, quaked and even split!

"Woah! What's happening?!" Questioned Annie. Then a humanoid roar sounded in the distance. All of their heads turned, and they saw a whole hoard of Titans coming there way. The Titans roared and ran towards them.

"Of course it had to be Titans..." Levi said with annoyance. "We'll hold the off as best as we can!" Godzilla said to them. Looking at the Titans and roaring at them. Mothra and Rodan flew to Godzilla's side ready to fight. The Titans continued running towards them not caring about the Earth Titans and just wanting human flesh in their stomachs.

Rodan charged first and grabbed a large amount of them in his beak and swallowed them, and the shockwave he made blew a lot of the titans back. "I got this don't worry." He said to both Godzilla and Mothra as he continues to wreck the Titans. Mothra still decided to help him and flew above the Titans, using her sharp long legs to slash them in half or simply stab them. "Heads up!" Godzilla warned as his tail glowed blue. Both Mothra and Rodan got out the way as the glow traveled up Godzilla's spines and reached the top of his head, this time his eyes were also glowing blue. He took in a deep breath and unleashed his atomic breath unto the Titans, which looked a lot more beefed up and beam-like, he swept it across the field burning the Titans alive, leaving nothing but ash.

He finished firing and shook a little, being a little tired out after the attack. "Are you okay?" Mothra asked flying up to Godzilla. "Yes, thank you." He replied, while looking back at Ghidorah's unconscious body. Narrowing his eyes slightly, Rodan finished off the last of the titans by using his flame breath attack, as well as picking up any stragglers with his talons and crushing the living daylights out of them.

Mikasa walked over to Ichi's head, a normal breathing pattern could be heard from him. That went for the other two heads as well. She glared at middle head, knowing what he made her do, then she thought, "wait... what if he did this so the scouts wouldn't trust me again? So that... Eren wouldn't trust me again! I have to fix this, somehow I gotta-" her thoughts were interrupted by a groan coming from Ichi. She looks at his unconscious face, and then walked a little closer to him. Now she was looking at his closed eye, she then thought, "wait... is he, faking it?"

Mikasa jumped back startled, Ichi growled and started charging his gravity beam, Mikasa's eyes widened and she didn't even notice Eren was running towards her as the head reared back and fired at her

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Mikasa jumped back startled, Ichi growled and started charging his gravity beam, Mikasa's eyes widened and she didn't even notice Eren was running towards her as the head reared back and fired at her.


"Mikasa are you alright?"
"How'd you?"
They looked and saw.............................. Zilla had taken the hit for them.

"Zilla!!!" Mikasa shouted making her way to him. "Zilla, no, no no no!" She saw Zilla's eyes looking at her, she gasped and teared up slightly. He made a soft growl to her, then the light in his eyes faded, and then Zilla's eyes closed. Mikasa covered her mouth while Eren came up to her, placing his hand on her shoulder, also crying a little. The Earth Titans turned their heads and saw what happened, they were all equally as devastated. Mothra cried onto Godzilla's spines, Rodan was also shedding tears, Eren and Mikasa were crying next to the fallen body... of Zilla.

Mikasa glared at Ichi and used her gear to attack him, only to be grabbed by San's jaws and get shocked by an electrical bite. Ni grinned, when an enraged Godzilla grabbed both him and San and ripped them clean off the bases of their necks. Godzilla attacked Ghidorah, and Eren ran over Mikasa's burnt body. He made two discoveries, not only was she weak and unconscious, she was now less muscular, and much lighter than him. Eren grieved over unconscious body sobbing his eyes out. As Godzilla and Ghidorah continued their fight, for the crown, as king of the monsters.

Attack on Titan: King of the MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now