Swarm of Death.

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"Queen Historia!!" A guard said bursting through the doors of queen Historia's room. "What is the meaning of this?" Historia replied with a bit of annoyance. "The giant lizard Godzilla approaches. He claims to be here to talk to with you. It could be trickery. Shall we attack?"

Historia knew Godzilla was a friend, and called off the attack. Once that was done Godzilla was allowed to approach. And the Queen went to meet Godzilla from her balcony.

Even though he was the so called king of the monsters. Godzilla bowed his head showing respect to Historia. "That was not necessary Godzilla, however I appreciate you respectfull attitude." She said kindly. Godzilla smiled and replied. "Just trying to keep my head Queen Historia." "Thank you, now why did you want to talk to me?"

Godzilla then explained to her that Ghidorah was coming to earth, and it would be best if she thought about evacuating the walls when he arrived. "Hmmm.... I see. Thank you Godzilla. I will attend to the matter immediately."

Then suddenly a military police soldier from the Orvud district came into the room. "Queen Historia!!! The Orvud District is under attack!!"

"By what? Titans or humans?" She questioned. "By a monster, made of an evil black cloud." Those words caught Godzilla's attention, and he looked towards the district. He saw the creature, and went to warn the others.

"Ok so here's how I heard it. Three men walk into a bar. You think one of them would've seen it." Rodan said telling a joke to everyone. And sure enough, they were laughing. "Guys!!" Godzilla interrupted. "Godzilla what's wrong? Did you tell Queen Historia?" Mothra said a bit worried. "Yes I told her, but that isn't the problem. There's a Shinomura attacking the Orvud District." Eren looked up at Godzilla. "A what?" He asked confused as hell.

Godzilla looked down at Eren. "The Shinomura, existed in my time. But it's not one single creature. It's a super organism. Almost like an Ant Colony. But it feeds on radiation. We call it the swarm of death."

Everyone began to listen to Godzilla. "I've fought this creature before. And I failed. And in the end. It was the humans who ended up destroying it. But I will not be bested by it again... Eren? Where did Mikasa go?" Eren looked around for her. But then he saw her heading right towards the Orvud District.

"Oh no.." Eren said.
"Fucking brat." Levi commented.
"Bloody idiot..." Rodan said.
"Son.. of... A.."

(1973, Gamera dies- Gamera The Brave- OST)

The people of the Orvud District panicked as the Ghostly creature flew above them. Fire and smoke was everywhere, and all that could be heard were the screams of children and burning of houses. The Shinomura was destroying house after house after house with tentacles that grew from its body. It even began picking up people with its tentacles. Mikasa entered the district, trying her best to ignore the destruction around her.

Mikasa got off her horse and stood on top of a wagon full of hay and held her hands up. "Citizens of the wall!!" She shouted, everyone stopped and looked at her. "My name is Mikasa Ackerman of the Survey Corps! I am here to help you all!! I will hold off the creature and you can es-"


Mikasa turned her head and the Shinomura was there, ready to make the kill. Her eyes widened as she knew that it was over for her and the people. When out of nowhere a familiar blue fiery beam shot the Shinomura down, making it slam onto the ground hard and thrash around. Everyone turned their heads, as a huge black clawed foot hit the ground. Their eyes traveled up his leg and onto his torso and arms, as he stood before them in all of his glory.


Everyone awed at his towering presence. But that was soon replaced by fear as the Shinomura started to attack Godzilla. He tried to grab onto it but it wrapped itself around him, then multiple sharp tentacles came out and began stabbing Godzilla. He roared in a bit of pain, causing the people to gasp in worry. Godzilla tried to use his atomic breath when a tentacle sealed his mouth shut, Godzilla glared at the Shinomura who kept its grip around him. Then Godzilla remembered something else that he could do. Mothra gave him this ability a long time ago. Godzilla narrowed his eyes and began the attack.

Godzilla grabbed a bunch of the Shinomura and pulled it close to his body, the living black cloud kept stabbing with its tentacles and holding Godzilla's mouth shut. Then something was happening, Godzilla's spines were glowing blue, however the glow was twice as intense as his atomic breath glow, then his pupils contracted and glowed blue as well. The Shinomura tried to get away but it was too late, as Godzilla roared and unleashed. The Nuclear Pulse.

The glow began to die down. Mikasa and the citizens looked and saw Godzilla standing in a large area of burnt grass, steam came off him as he panted. The Shinomura however, was no longer there.

"Its gone." A man said. "The giant lizard vanquished the monster. We're saved!!" Another commented. "Godzilla has saved us!" A woman cheered. Godzilla looked at the district. He saw Mikasa looking at him. He knew she felt ashamed for running off. "Mikasa!!" Eren called out, he went up to her and hugged her. "Please don't scare me like that again." Mikasa gently returned the hug.

Rodan landed next to Godzilla. "Damn, you really know how to make a mess out of another monster. Not that's it's Anything new but still it's damn impressi-" "stop. Talking." Godzilla said annoyed. "Did I hit a nerve or something?" Rodan mocked "Rodan!!!" Mothra said to him. "That is no way to talk to Godzilla, you should be very ashamed of yourself."

Rodan looked at her, "Why of course your highness... I am super ashamed." Mothra wings were glowing. "Do not test my patience you overgrown bird of prey! Remember who Godzilla and I am! And remember your place in-" "Wait.." Godzilla said. "No Godzilla! I have had it up to-" Mothra began. "Not that... do you smell something?" Godzilla said.

Rodan and Mothra smelled the air. "Yeah I do." Rodan said. "Smells like..... rain?"


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