Chapter 3

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I start walking home, my body had energy.

As I walk through the door I see my mom, she had a cold smile, god what do I do.

" how was doing homework ". She say not trying to grade her teeth.

" fine ". I try and say in a voice that says I don't care for the conversation.

She folds her arms her eyes narrow and my stomach starts to spin, my mom had her eyes locked up on me, I step into the kitchen where my mom sat at the table, and as I gab another plate of dinner I could feel her eyes Burning holes into my back.

I take a seat across from my mom.

" where were you ". She practically spits .

" a friends, well I wouldn't call him a friend more like a person I'm forced to work with for a mark."

" well I don't care, you should have told me about this earlier".

" I assumed I was a t-the age where I didn't h-h-have to do that".

I glance up to her before taking a large bite of my food, she arch's her lip in response to my attitude, her fingers dig into her arm as she got even more pissed at me. But then her hole attitude flips, her face becomes soft and her eyes threaten to let tears fall.

" I worry about you Tweek". She pauses then bites her lip " just tell me where you go, just so I know where to start looking if you go missing".

I see where she's coming from, so I cut down my ego and nod, a soft smile covered her face and I realize I lost, she played me. God she's smart.

It doesn't take me long to finish my plate of food and I head upstairs to my room and I collapse on to my bed.

Next morning

I roll out of bed and wander down the stairs to the kitchen, I look at my phone .

Slowly I crack my fingers as I pace the kitchen thinking of what I could do to pass the time.

' maybe I could go for a shower '.

My eyes met the towel closet, I grab one of the towels and slowly climb the stairs, my fingers rap around the tap to the shower and I turn it and wait for the water to come on. Well the shower is heating up I undress myself out of my Night were, then climb in.

Once I'm done I get out, get dressed then I'm off to school.

The halls are crowded with people trying to get to the first class of the day, I push my way through the crowd as I'm pushing through my leg got stuck and I trip and fall.
God why do we group together so tightly.

I finally get to my locker once I have my shit I scramble to class, I reach my desk then take my seat, after a while the rest of the class comes in.

Time skip

I'm getting ready for my next class when I feel someone's hands grab my hips and pull them closer to them, My breath slows, even though my heart was pounding.

"My house on Friday". Craig says, I nod and he let go of my hips slowly.

My head turns to watch Craig walk down the hall into his class, what is he going to do to me, I get my books and I head to my class.

God. What is he going to do, em I going to have to clean his room or maybe do his laundry, I don't like doing laundry but if this is what I have to do for blood I'll do it.

Time passes a lot faster than I want it to, yes I wanna know what he is going to do to me, but the closer Friend was the less I wanna know.

They day finally came and I don't want it to, as I'm sitting in my class watching the clock like a hock, 10 more minuets, my stomach felt like it was doing flips.

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