Chapter five

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The sound of a alarm clock is the first thing I hear, out of habit I pull my hand out of the blanket and turn the alarm off.

I roll back over and try to get a bit more sleep, I can only move a bit because I hit something warm, is that ruby, why would It be her;she hasn't climbed in my bed in years.

My eyes open for a few seconds and I see blonde hair, it was messy and soft to the touch.

Wait did I get lucky with Tweek, I jump up slightly to see that he still has all his a way.

He's asleep, his head on my arm, his leg resting across my stomach, he kinda reminds me of stripes, he acts all tough but he really isn't.

I sit there enjoying the quiet and the site of Tweek clinging to me.

He whispers something softly, digging his face into my side, I sift so he was comfortable, the room is quiet and warm, I shift my gaze over to the alarm clock.


I sigh, to be honest I don't want to move,I'm still so tired, but of course I know I have to.

Slowly I sit up, pulling my arm out from Tweeks head, I open his window so I can climb out.

The sky was a sweet pink with dashes of yellow and blue, the morning air is cold, I see my breath as I walk down the street to my house.

Once I'm just below my bedroom window, I climb a tree that is close to my window, then when I'm at the third branch I walk across a peace of plywood, slowly I slid open my window and climb in, I try and not to make much noise so I don't get cough.

Tweek pov

" Tweek get up, your gonna be late for school ".

" I'm up". I grumble lifting my head off my pillow.

I stretch my hands out in front of me, was it all a dream, was Craig really in my room last night.

Getting out of bed my mind continues to wander, what happened last night, why did he come to my house, how did he even know where I live.

My anxiety starts to get to me, what if he came to my house to kill me, what if he's a psychopath, to be honest I wouldn't put it past him, he is pretty weird.

I pull up my blue jeans, fear setting in my chest, what if he tells people where I live. I dig through my dresser and find a green button up shirt, do it up and realize it was missing a button.

You know I don't really care anymore.

Next I go to the bathroom, brush through the mess that I call hair, I play with it for a minute but nothing helps.

I come down to the kitchen and grab a granola bar, my mom lifts her gaze from the morning paper then speaks.

" your dads coming home tonight ",

I stop chowing my bite and look at her.

" oh... yay". I say in a fake happy voice, but mom doesn't even bat an eye, not noticing my fake attitude.

The rest of the morning goes by in a flash and I am outside waiting for the bus, soon I see Craig.

I quickly rip my phone out of my back pocket, plug my headphones in and unlock my phone.

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