Chapter 9

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We drove in awkward silence, the sound of the radio playing quietly, I Curled up in the seat, the heat of the car is nice on my cold body.

All Damien's attention on the road, it's nice cuz he's not asking me a million questions, Damien glances at me then the road.

" who did you stay with ".

I portend not to hear him and not answer his question, but it doesn't work how I want it to.

" Tweek!". Damien says in a slight raised voice.

I jump slightly and look at him " y-yes".

His voice goes back to normal when he speaks again "how did you stay with".

" um I-I stayed with Craig ".

Damien raises an eyebrow before saying " oh, I thought you didn't like him".

" I don't, b-but I had no other option".

I tern and look at him, why does he care who I stay with, me and Craig are...well I don't know what we are.

" w-why didn't you an-answer last night". I question.

" I was at a meeting with my father, just because I go to school up here, doesn't mean I don't have Business in the underworld".

I grumble under my breath and the conversation stops,  I just look out the window until we pull up to a well sized house, Damien pulls into the driveway and stops the car.

He gets out then walks over to my door to open it; but I open it before he can then shut it behind me.

Damien presses me up against the car, a smirk tickles his lips, he holds my hip in his hand, he Barry's his face in my neck and smiles against my cold skin.

" oh come on mister grumpy, you mad at me ". He says in a playful voice, my hart throbs in my chest.

I sigh then say. " no I-I'm just tiered". I rest my head on his chest, Damien sways back and forth slowly as he holds my hips.

" why don't we head in and you can get some sleep".

I nod slowly and we walk into the house, we walk through a long hallway, the walls a dark navy blue, the carpet soft on your feet, we stop at a door that is at the end of the hall.

Damien opens the door and I see that it is a room, his room, the bed large and covered in a black blanket, the room itself is dark, not much light got through the window, but I don't mind at all.

I am picked up off my feet and Damien carries me over to the bed, dropping me, he climbs on top of me, nipping at my neck, his warm breath made my neck hairs stand on end.

" mmm". I moan biting my lip.

His wight pressing on me, I slid my hands up his shirt, feeling his well moulded body, he slips off me shirt, I push up on him.

Damien kisses me with passion, I don't fight and melt in his hand, his fingers warm as they slid down my body, pulling on my belt buckle, I push his hands away, not wanting to go there yet.

I let go of the kiss, I push him off of me and climb in his lap, I bite his neck, my fangs digging into his skin, him squeezing my ass.

His blood burned in my mouth, I gulp harshly, I move closer and Damien slides his hands down the back of my thighs, he rubs my dick through my pants.

" ahh~mm-d-Damien".

" you like that".

He slips his head in my pants, I Barry my face into his neck, my breath heavy, my thoughts a mess.

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