Chapter 10

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I woke up to someone talking on the phone, there voice a silent whisper, my eyes open for half a second, but then shut.

I try and keep my brain awake for as long as I can, slowly I tern to look at the clock.


Why is tweek up at this time, who is he talking to, I start trying to listen to the conversation, this is what I hear.

" I'm at a friends". Tweek stops talking to listen to the person on the other end.

"Ya I'll be home tomorrow after school".

" sorry ".

And that's where he ends the conversation, a soft sigh leaving his lips, he climbs back into the bed, rapping his hands around my waste.

Do I question he's fine, and with that I fall asleep.

Time skip

It is the end of the day and I'm walking Tweek home, I don't want to bring him back to this place; just in case I am right about the abuse.

We round the corner to the beginning of the block, I could see that he is nervous, but I don't question him about it.

Before I know it were at his door step, he gives me a tight hug then starts walking to his door, he opens it with a shaky hand.

Tweek's pov

I open my door then shut it behind me, I look around and see no trace of my dad or mom, the house is all mine.

What should I do with this sudden freedom, a nap sounds nice.

So I run up to my room, kicking open my door, shutting it behind me. I climb into my bed rapping my body up in the blanket.

I'm three minutes into my nap when I hear the front door, my eyes shot open, Do I move, the feeling of my hart pond in my chest had me sidetracked for half a minute.

Swallowing my fear, I slowly climb out of my bed,tip toeing down the hallway, I try and be light on the stairs.

I get about halfway down to stairs when my mom starts to talk.

" Tweek is that you".

" um yeah ".

I walk down the rest of the stairs and peak my head over to corner of the stairs, I make sure my mom can't see my black eye, so I push all my hair to one side of my face, covering my eye.

Mom gives me a weird look, then a smile laugh.

" Tweek what are you doing". She says trying not to laugh, she takes off her shoes, and walks over to me.

She try's to move my hair,but I move away from her slightly, she shrugs and walks to the kitchen, opening the fridge she pulls out left overs, I get some plates, and mom put supper on the plates.

Dinner is out on the table, but before I could eat some I had to get this hair out of my face, so I run up to the bathroom, open moms makeup bag and start digging for her cover up.

I cover my black eye to the best of my ability, looking my work up and down,I decide that it's fine then I walk down to the kitchen and start eating dinner with my mom.

" so what do you do when you disappear". My mom asks, her eyes not leaving from her plate as she plays with her roast-beef, swatting at it with her fork.

I can feel the tension in the room, it weighed heavy on my chest, I swallow quietly, making quick glances at my plate and my mother.

" hung out with friends, and walked around town".

You see,my mom doesn't know about anything in my life except for me being a vampire, it's just safer that way.

" why wander off like that".

" I just like my space to t-t-think".

" I understand that but, still you can come talk to me about things, I was young once out know". She smiles softly.

I just nod hoping she would drop the subject, and with a slow sign she dose, mom picks up her plate and she puts it in the the sink.

" where's d-dad".

" they called him back to work ".

She terns the corner to the boot room,picking up her jacket, she puts it on then she's out the door...without saying goodbye.

Time skip
I'm hanging out with Damien, watching him get ready for a meeting with his dad, mmh he looks hot.

" you can stay here if you want ". He says looking at me through the reflection of the Mirror.

I nod bitting my lip, he kisses my cheek softly before leaving.

After about 10 minutes I start to get bored, so I start to snoop around his room, for all I know he could be a drug dealer for all I know, but I'm wrong his room is surprisingly boring.

Hours go by,and finally I hear someone come through the front door, they walk down the hallway and open the door to Damien's room.

Trigger warnings ahead you have been warned.

I run to Damien and hug him tight, he kisses me, and with the kiss I taste alcohol.

I cup his cheek pulling away from the kiss.

" have you been drinking ". My voice harsh as I question him.

He doesn't answer and starts to kiss down my neck, unbuttoning my shirt, he picked me up,throwing me on his bed.

Damien gets in for a kiss, but I push him away and off of me.

" Damien I'm not in the mood ".

He pushes me down almost as if he didn't hear me, I kick him and shove my palms into his shoulder in a desperate attempt of pushing him off me.

" Damien stop ". I say as I struggle to get him off me.

He rips off my pants, I kick him in his jaw, but he's unfazed.

" if you quit fighting then this will go faster ".


I lay on the bed sobbing, my body hurts,  I shake from shock and fear, how can he do this to me. My thoughts are a mess, the only thing that made sense at this time is that I need to get out of here and fast.

Me eyes met with the window, slowly I climb off the bed, and without a second thought I jump out, good thing it's not far off the ground.

My first instinct is to go home so I start walking that way, I get to the steer and I see my dads car, I have two options go home or spend the night at a friends, I pull out my phone to check the time.


I shouldn't bother anyone, so with a shaky step I walk to my house, step into the house and everything is quiet, are they in bed.

Coming to this conclusion I shut the door quietly, I then tip toe up to my bedroom, I curl up in a ball and continue to silently cry until I fall asleep.


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