Chapter 20

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Tweek pov
I roll over hitting the wall, I sit up and glance at Craig, he looks like he dreaming about something nice, I pull out my phone to check the time.

5 : 00 am

I let a heavy sigh and stuff my phone back in my pocket, I lie mlodown again but instead of falling back asleep, I sit and toss and turn,I finely get comfortable, but then I can feel Craig's body heat.

"jeez , why is he so warm".

I sit up again, but slowly I start to crawl off the bed but before I'm able to leave and cuddle up in the corner where it's nice and cold, but my plan is caboshed when something pulls on my hood, I turn and see Craig sitting up rubbing his eyes.

" where are you going",

He pulls me back down to the bed and he rolls over again, I just wanna get some where cold.

I roll over to the wall again but I'm not there long before Craig pulls me into his tight grip.

" c-Craig ".

" shh, go back to bed ".


" shh".

Time skip

I open my eyes and see that I'm the only person in the bed I get up and stretch, some of my bones crack as I stretch, do I go down to the main floor or stay up here.

I cack my fingers as I start to think, it would be weird if I didn't come down to eat breakfast, or what ever they want me to do.

So with shaky knees I walk down the hallway and stairs, being extremely careful not to creek the stairs, just in case someone has a headache, I don't know, all I do know is I don't wanna
I make anybody mad.

I get in the kitchen and my one and only goal is to make as small of a impact as possible, I sit next to Craig and he glances at me.

"Why'd you get up at 5 in the morning." He whispers kinda close to my ear.

" t-thinking ". I whisper.

" well you can think later, 5 in the morning is not the time". I nod

Not long after Craig's mom sets a plate in front of me and Craig.

" t-t-thanks".

" your welcome hun". She says back with a smile that seems to round out her face.

I pick up my fork, looking down at the small green plate, the desire to eat seems to leave me, I don't know why because it's all things I'll eat, pancakes, eggs and bacon. So what's wrong with me.

Slowly I pick at it, taking small bites, as I eat I can feel Craig's cold blue eyes watching my every move, if eating it in general is hard enough, him watching is definitely not helping, I swear he's burning holes into me.

" Tweek is everything okay ". He asked in his monotone voice.

" um- yeah I'm just zoning out ".

I take a big bite and look at him,trying to convince him that I'm telling the truth, and technically I'm not lying, this morning my thoughts seem to be else where.

" okey then".

I continue at my slow speed of eating and soon finish, I get up wash my plate then set it in the sink as I set the plate down, Craig's mom walks past me, and I get a waft of her smell, oh my god, she's on her period, this is why I stay away from women. I bit me lip dig my teeth into my lip, her smell, control yourself Tweek, we can do this I just need to get some distance from her.

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