Ramsay Fiction (A Marianas Trench Fan Fiction)

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Author's note: Hey guy's it's ALWAYSMALIK98, this is a fan fiction that I am just co-writing. The master mind behind this book is one of my besties named Amanda Ashe, I'm just helping her edit and help her writer's block. And of course publish it, since she is to lazy to make a wattpad account. It's our first fan fiction. xxx  

Hi! I'm Amanda and I'm 17, recently both my parent's have split up. I have 2 brothers, little brother Jess who is 15 and, older brother Matt who is 27. My mom, my younger brother, Jess and I moved to Vancouver BC. My dad in the other hand stayed in Ontario and moved to Stoneville, Ontario. We used to live in Brampton. With moving I had to leave all my best friends! I had to leave my best guy friends, and my best girl friends.  But, will their be another special someone in Vancouver, who might be able to make my pain go away?

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