sunbae ➻ mark tuan

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"a-annyeong, sunbaenim..." she bows awkwardly towards him.

"hello," he said and turns, not taking attention to her. that made chaeyoung feel quite offended; sure, she knows that he's really reserved and quiet and such, but she's jinyoung's cousin! he could at least be nicer to her!

"what's with your face?" bambam asks and threw himself at her, hugging her in the process. "you look funny,"

"nothing's more funnier than your face," she retorted and struggles. "yah! let me go, pabo!"

"but i don't want to~" he teases and snuggles his face at her neck, "so nice~ do you always bathe in flowers, chae?"

"kyah, pervert! jinyoung oppa, save me!" she yells and looks at her cousin with a pout. the latter sighed and took his time standing, he knows bambam is just teasing her, though he thinks that he's too close for everyone's comfort.

jaebum darts bambam a glare and stood up also, preparing a nagging lesson in his mind. before the two could approach, someone's hand suddenly tugs bambam's hair in a sensitive place, making the playful boy jerk back.

"be quiet, i'm doing homework," mark said, his face displaying slight annoyance.

"nah, you're just jealous! i am too!" yugyeom pointed out and dodged just in time when mark threw his headphones towards him.

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