the writer and the artist | got7's jinyoung

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j i n y o u n g . r o s é
[got7 . blackpink]


- in which a writer fell in love with his artist friend


Jinyoung sighed as he pulls his eyes away from his laptop, taking his glasses off. "Damn writer's block." he seethed under his breath, leaning against his swivel chair.

A soft laugh resonated from the center of his study, making him glare at the source. Chaeyoung innocently looks up from her sketchpad, a charcoal pencil in her dirtied hand while her hair tied up in a messy bun.

How the fuck could that be a messy bun when it looks so styled in her? He thought to himself, grumbling as he reaches for his cup of coffee. "What are you laughing about?"

"Oh, nothing," she shrugged, a smile showing up again in her lips as she looks down, sketching on her paper.

"Who's your muse now?" was the next question Jinyoung asked, eyes closing as he tries to think how to continue his story. "Good thing that you're inspired."

"Oh, no one in particular. I've been in a slump nowadays too." she answered, her nose scrunching when she made a mistake. "Ah, shit."

"Shit indeed," Jinyoung sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "I'm so fucking pissed."

"At where did you stop, Nyoungie?" Chaeyoung asked, closing her sketchpad and putting her pencil down. She reached for a wet tissue, humming as she wipes the dirt away from her hands. "Being a mystery writer could be such a hassle sometimes, isn't it?"

"Yeah," he mumbled.

"Well, you being a mystery writer would make sense. Park Jinyoung being a romance writer? I can't think of it." Chaeyoung laughed, standing up and approaching his table. She took the cup of coffee from his hand, greedily sipping it empty. "You always look like you're constipated whenever people mention words like 'dating', 'girlfriend' or boyfriend'. We get it, sweetheart. You're not fond of romance."

She reached over, placing her small palm against his cheek. She pats him fondly, a smile against her lips. Jinyoung gapes at her, blinking owlishly.

"Just... just what the fuck are you doing?" he asked rather harshly, pulling away from her. She smirked, turning away to leave. "You always do that."

"Do what?" Chaeyoung faces him, her hands clutching his cup. It's the ceramic she gifted him before, when it's his birthday. He can still remember the bright smile she wore as she hands him her gift and the giggle she made when Jinyoung sighed, complaining when it's another damn cup.

"Hey, I designed that damn cup, you know?" He recalled, remembering how she frowned at him, though there's no real hostility in her eyes. "Be nice."

"Nothing," he grumbled, looking away.

"Anyway, you're painfully single and it shows." she stated before leaving the room.


Jinyoung sighed, darting his laptop a deadly glare. For fuck's sake, he can't still think of a way of how to move the story. His eyes squinted, thinking of several ways to get inspired.

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