mate pt.2 | astro's eunwoo

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so... hi, i guess?


When Chaeyoung opened her eyes, the color white was the first thing that entered her mind.

"Cool ceiling," she mumbles. "White ceiling... wow..."


She doesn't have a white ceiling!

Sitting up in a flash, she looked around. There was no one aside of her in the room. The room was barely empty; there's a bed, which she's laying at, a single-seater couch facing a huge flat-screen T.V with a glass table where the remote was. There was a study table at the far side of the huge room, full of papers. Then there were two doors, one of them was probably the bathroom, and then the other the closet. Based on the interior of the room, it's definitely a man who owned it.

She frowned when she realized something pink was blocking her view; a sticky note.

Muttering curses, she pulled it from her forehead and read what was written.

Get out.

Oh wow, nice to meet you, Mr. Whoever-You-Are-So-I'll-Just-Call-You-Like-This. She thought sarcastically, taking the silky sheets off her body. Her feet touched the floor, and then realized it was carpeted. She grumbled. "Rich bastard."

Wondering who wrote the note, she sniffed the red paper and then the whole room.

Burning trees.

She choked. It's Eunwoo alright.

Looking around, she thought to herself. "Why am I here, anyway...?"

Just then, memories of her fainting because of her pushing herself to the limit (as always, because of college) struck her. She groaned and covered her face with her hands, cursing herself to the oblivion because of the fact she looked so weak in front of the man she subconsciously wanted to impress. Fuck having a mate, I want to die.


Eunwoo frowned, "She's an alpha?"

"Yeah." Jisoo nodded. "An alpha."

"So she's more powerful than you guys...?" His eyes drifted to the other three.

The brunette, Jennie, rose a brow. "Yeah. In this room, only Jiyong oppa is an alpha. We're lower than Chaeyoung."

"Though she doesn't act like that way." Lisa sighed. The others did so too. Eunwoo figures that Chaeyoung is a stubborn person, and she acts more like some scoundrel than a majestic she-wolf.

"She's not really from the pack." Jiyong informed. "She's born from an alpha who ran away from a pack and a woman whose wolf side has never been awakened. People like her mother who have wolf blood but never stimulated do exist, however they are rare. When she was five years old, the mixture of her parents' genes shocked her too much. She ended up killing everyone on sight." He sighed. "Her senses are at their peak, she's very strong even to our standards and also intelligent and cunning. That's why we took her. Her mother was killed because the town people were planning to burn the both of them alive, but we took Chaeyoung away..."

"What about her father?" he questions.

Jiyong scoffed, "The bastard already left them months before Chaeyoung was set to get out from her mother's womb..."

Eunwoo thinks there more than it, so he raises a brow as Jiyong took a swig of his glass of water. The latter grinned, "Her father died at a forest after hiding for so many years. You're so sharp, I think you'll be the only one to tell if Chaeyoung lies."

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