pretty red pt.2 | svt's jun

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"Do you have your crucifix with you?" Jisoo asked. Chaeyoung nodded, taking out her necklace. "Do you always wear it with you?"

"Yeah—" Chaeyoung stopped, remembering the vampire she kept in her house once again. She always wear her crucifix necklace, but that guy seems to be unbothered with it. He even managed to get into her personal bubble and place a kiss in her neck.

"Chae? Are you all right? You're getting red," Jennie waved a hand in front of her face.

She blinked, facing her older friend, "I-I'm all right."

"Why do you have to do this, anyways?" Jennie exasperatedly asked, clutching Chaeyoung's hands with hers. "Why do you have to be a direct descendant of the Head family?"

Chaeyoung apologetically smiled, "I'm sorry."

"No need to say sorry, it's not your fault." Jisoo lightly chided, placing a hand on Chaeyoung's shoulder. "You can do this. I believe in you."

"Park Chaeyoung, you're up next." The lackey from before called. The timid girl stood up, instinctively touching the handle of her small dagger, which is sheathed at the side of her body. "Good luck. You'll need it."

Snickers echoed across the room as Chaeyoung walks towards the door. Lisa was nearby, her clenching fists resting against her chest as she cheers her silently. 'You can do it!' she mouthed, making Chaeyoung beam.

Gulping, Chaeyoung faced the door. The lackey opened it for her, giving a small nod towards her. She entered right away.


"Ah, Park Chaeyoung," one of the mentors spoke, standing above the mini-stadium she's currently in. "Direct descendant, precious blood and very timid."

The others chuckled at what the man has said.

Chaeyoung ignored them, taking out her small dagger from its sheath. She took a deep breath, waiting for the metal door in front of her to open.

Breathe in, breathe out. Stay vigilant, Chae!

She stilled as soon as the metal door made a noise. Her hold on her dagger tightened, keeping her fighting stance as she waits for the vampire.

"You have to inflict damage on the vampire to pass this test. If you manage to make him yell in pain, then you pass." The same mentor from before instructed. "Ah, but I heard that you don't really like hurting others, Chaeyoung? What to do? You're one of the candidates for the next Head for the vampire hunters. Not the best, but still a candidate."

The mentors roared in laughter, making Chaeyoung grit her teeth. Ever since she was young, she was always told to be merciless when it comes to their enemies, to never ever show kindness to the creatures of the night. But how can she do that? Not all vampires are evil, just the same as not all humans are good. She didn't like the thought of inflicting pain on someone just because they're different. That's completely irrational in her opinion.

"It totally makes sense that you don't like going to the slaughterhouse, or when the town have its annual festival."

Chaeyoung closed her eyes. She remembered the first and last time she went to the said event. Unlike other festivals she knows about, the event always happen in the morning, when the sun is out and glaring down at the ground. As the tradition, a captured vampire would be tied up in a post and then placed at the center of the whole town. The villagers would be singing songs and chantments as the vampire burned and writhed in pain because of the sun.

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