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hi guys it's just the beginning of the book I promise it gets beater as you read on

keep reading :) :) :)

My name is Naomi Bukuza I'm from East Africa,Kenya I was born and raised there. I lived with my parents since I was little but know I'm 20 and ready to see the world. What better place to go that the United States of America. I had no I idea what I was doing and how my actions affected my dreams. 

Welcome to the story of my NEW life,

It is Monday morning and I have very many things to do and by many, I mean a lot. I work in the middle of the forest for werewolves who turned me into their kind with a single bit its crazy but that's the life I'm living.So back to the things I need to do before the whole pack awakens,

1 wash the kitchen

2 clean all the bathrooms

3 make breakfast

4 set the table

And many more and remember this is not cooking for just 6 people its about 60 lucky for me I'm not the only one doing all the cooking. We are a total of six maids and we all shear the work around here.All is all the food needs to be prepared and on the table by the time they wake up.

So, most of you already know what I go through daily. The werewolf community is not very accepting especially if you are of a darker complexion but I just have to live with it  do my work, stay out of their way and mind my own business and ill be good.

Lets stop talking and lets start doing our job, after I'm done with my morning work I go for a walk because I don't like to be there while the pack Is eating.

So I went for my usual walk in the forest, I know when you think forest you think scary things like getting eaten but I liked walking their,it gives me peace of mind because I am away from all the commotion and noise. I loved singing, it was one of the  things that made me feel at home in this lonesome place.Its been three months since I started working at this place. I personally think its not the best place to work honestly. but it pays well so ill just have to hang on until all my student loans are paid up.

When I go walking there is a nice cliff I always go to when I'm feeling exhausted so I make my way there smelling a few flowers on the way and enjoying the view. as I watched a few birds fly by I envied them, they were free they didn't have anyone to tell them what to do and were to go. Freedom is one of the things I miss most from my old life. But its all gone and dwelling on the past only makes you feel bad about the present. Finally I reached my destination. I staid there a little while then I finally decided it was time for me to return.

 On my way back I decided to take the longer way to the pack house because the pack seemed very grumpy today. As I was walking, I stumbled on some property.

Who could possibly own such a beautiful and large place like this, I thought to myself. Curious thoughts begun flooding my mind I wanted to know how it looked like inside, how it felt to be in such prestige but as those thoughts were persuading me to go and see for myself I stopped them dead in their tracks. I had somewhere to be and with that final thought I turned around and hitch hiked my hind parts back to the pack house.

As I was walking back, I couldn't help but think who lives their but girl I promised myself I was not going back there again. So back to  dish washing and scrubbing dirty sink's it is. When I reached the pack house it was the dirtiest thing I had ever seen the six ladies I work with divide the chores  and I was the one to clean the kitchen, so girl get your earphones on and get to cleaning.

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