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When I woke up this next morning, I had some big ass bags under my eyes. Uh now I know why I don't cry then sleep. Oh well its not like I'm trying to impress someone and the person who I would most likely  want to impress doesn't even care about me to begin with.

I'm living my best life aren't I.

While I was wallowing in my sorrows, I heard a knock on my door, who in heven's name is awake at this time in the morning and has the audacity to knock on my door shame on them, I mumbled to myself as I walked to the door.

When I opened it, I saw an elderly lady and I immediately took back those thought.

What are you still doing in your night clothes don't you know you are supposed to be in the kitchen cleaning lazy girl get ready quick and come down and get started on your work, she barked and I was like?


Wow I'm back at it again with all the cooking and cleaning that I thought I had gotten away from but surprise mother f*cker we are back again with another cleaning place.

When I had completely closed the door, I ran to the bathroom and took a shower and washer my hair in the process.

I had cut my hair into a tapered cut to make handling it easier and now it had grown out and it was going to be hard to handle in a few days if I don't get a hair cut soon.


I have no hair products so water will have to do at this point after making my hair presentable I dashed through the halls and found the kitchen.

For the working clothes I was given a set of black dresses which were obviously a size smaller meaning they where slightly to tight for a maids dress,  So I  need to remember to ask the old lady for a size bigger  that could fit my ass and hips literally.

When I reached the kitchen every one stopped what they were doing and just stared for a good 2 minutes.

Then it hit me, when they saw me yesterday, I had my bonnet on and my hair was in twists and covered up.

So, I did the best I could and just said hi do you need some help most of the girls just said nothing except for this one brunet who said I could help her clean the house sorry I mean the mansion.

All the others just sized me and continued with what they were doing and I was okay with that because not everyone will like you in this world.

As we cleaned in silence, I just realised I had not asked her name and now I just felt rude so hear goes nothing.

I'm sorry I don't ask your name. 

Its okay I get that a lot,

Now that makes me feel even worse, I said to myself. 

She giggled

That's when I noticed I said it out loud Naomi you always know how to embraces yourself don't you

My name is Naomi what's yours, I said as I desperately tried to clear all the tension in the air.

Nice to meet you Naomi I'm Imani, why did I even say nice to meet you stupid. 

She said out loud and we Bothe just started laughing as we continued cleaning.

As we cleaned, I realized something her name means faith in Swahili OMG she might know Swahili and we can speak it together as we clean and do our chores OMG!!!!!!

Now I just need to find a way to ask her, think, think, think.

Got it let me aske her how old she I'd in Swahili

So I did. She looked at me for a while like she had seen a gust and at that moment, I knew I had hit the jack pot. She definitely spoke and understood Swahili.

"How in the world can you speak Swahili and you're American," she said?

Well I'm not that's the thing see when I was 18, I moved to the US for university.


Well my aunty was Kenyan so she taught me Swahili.

That's so cool, so were you always an omega or youre like me because you are clearly not a wolf??

Yes, I am a wolf its just that my wolf has not come out yet so until then I'm an omega, what about you??

Me, well as far as I concerned, I'm a wolf but not fully I still have some human left in me. but lately I've been having some very bad migraines I'll go check it out with the pack doctor 

"NO don't do that!!!"

Why not? 

"They will use you as an experiment or even worse especially someone like you."

What do you mean by someone like me?

"Since you  don't know what is causing your migraines they will lie to you and use you as an experiment  and in the prosses they might kill you."

Wow thanks for the advice.

"That's what friends are fore right? I mean we are friends right but its okay if you don't want to be friends with me though." 

Imani stop your ranting and yes, we are friends.

As we continued cleaning, I had a very big argue to sake her if my dress was to tight so I did.

Btw Imani is this dress to tight??

"What the dress, no not that tight but Its dose shows of your hips and butt with no chills.

Girl I'm serious.

"So am I, daaaammmmmeee Honey you look like a chocolate cake ready to be eaten."

We laughed so hard until our stomachs started to ache. Then we heard someone coming up the steers to the floor we were cleaning and we knew that all games and fun was over

And at that moment I knew who it was my beloved mate THE MONSTER (SCEARY AND DRAMATIC MUSIC)

So, we both  pretended to be deep in the job we had been assigned to do for the day.

hi people

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