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"Dam girl you cant be pregnant", said one of my friends from around she was the only one I could tell because she would not judge me and I loved her for that.

"Did you even hear what I said"

No, I didn't

"Are you even sure you are pregnant I mean have you even taken a pregnancy test??"

No, I haven't but I have been watching him he doesn't use condoms and he hasn't been pulling out and I feel noxious almost all the time and I've started to have weird cravings.

"Well I guess you are making some sense, so lets go and get some pregnancy tests"

Okay, but what will I tell Adrian I am going to do at the store. You know he has been so extra protective lately.

Maybe he knows.

"No, he doses not."

"And how sure are you of that"

"Just think about it if he found you you were pregnant would he let you stay alone for a minute you of all people know how males can get when their mate is pregnant and for you it would be ten times worse because he is an alpha."

Okay I guess you are right, lets go I will cook up something. 

Hey babe I'm going to the mall for a while with Lexi is that okay with you, I said with the sweetest voice I could master.

"Okay just come back early I need to talk to you about something when you get back."

I walked out so quick before he could change his mind (for those who have lived in an African home you can understand you leave so quick before you mom changes her mind)

I wonder what he wanted to talk to me about. But those thoughts need to wait until I know whether I am pregnant or not. As I walked to the car, I felt very uneasy I felt like I was lying to him well  its better than false hope. The drive to the mall was so tense no one said anything.

As we puled up into the parking lot, I could feel Lexi's eyes burning holes in my head.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Yes, I am sure its better to know than just ignore right.

We went straight to the Chemist.

"We would like to buy some pregnancy tests please."

The shop keeper looked at me then gave me a weird eye. 

"You know if you are pregnant, I know an abortion place, don't worry its a good trusted place" the lady at the store said as she handed me the tests.

Lexi was just about to give her a piece of her mind but before that happened, I quickly intervened.

Thanks, but we are good, have a nice day.

"Why did you do that I was going to give her a very big piece of my mind"

Remember why we are hear in the firs place.

"Sorry I was just trying to protect you, you know I'm you friend but you are also y Luna so my wolf kicked in I'm sorry."

Its okay now lets go and find out weather I am pregnant or not. As I was walking in the direction of the rest room, I could see Lexi going in the direction of the parking lot.

Where in the hell is this crazy bitch going?

Lexi where are you going??

"to the car duhhh "

Girl we are not taking this test at home are you crazy. If we take this shit at home both our mates will sense something suspicious so I'd rather not.

"Fine where exactly do you want to take it "

Oh, my goodness in the middle of the street smart ass, where else would someone take FUCKING PREGNANCY TEST??

" sorry my bad calm down them hormones be kicking in "

Dam I was really not in the mood for anything right now all I want to do is sleep.

We entered the bathroom and I did my business Now we were waiting three minutes for the results in all the sticks. This was probably the longest three minutes of my life.

The alarm went of and it was time to check the sticks. I have never been this nervous in my whole entire life I was going to know weather I am pregnant or not.


I was getting ready for my trip to England, I had asked Naomi to hurry so I can tell her I was leaving I the next hour but I seems I will have to call her but she is not answering her phone. She has been acting all weird since last week. She has my sent on her now but it seams to be getting stronger day by day.

Just as I was zipping my bag my friend Diego walked in.

"Hey man wats up you good?," he asked.

I'm good its juts this dame trip how can they call us on such short notice.

"I  honestly don't know man it must be pretty urgent. I have been meaning to ask you, you seem to be on edge is everything okay with you and Luna?"

Everything is fine but she seems like she is being distant I feel like she's hiding something from me.

"I also fell that towards Lexi its like there is something they are not telling us."

I guess we will have to wait till we come back from our trip.

Just as we finished our conversation Naomi walked in.

"Hi are you leaving to go somewhere??

Yes, I got a call this morning and I need to go to England on business I hope that is okay with you.

"Yahh I'm fine with it when will you be back?"

Next week if all goes well do you want me to bring you anything??

"yes, definitely lots and lots of chocolate all types "

Are you sure that's all you want no dresses,perfumes or something like that?

"No just chocolate"

Your wish is my command.

"I love you thanks so much"

I love you to, I said then I kissed her. As I went down for her lips, I noticed something in her back pocket it looked like a stick a plastic one.

I will remember to ask her when I get back. Then I smelt her and she smelt so sweet wow whatever she is doing it is really good.

I said my last goodbyes and we were of...

hi guys thanks for reading

LOVE YALL :) :) :)

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