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This bed feels so dam good and the room smells amazing, wait my room never smells this good ever no mater how many times I've tried to make it.

Is this a dream because if it is then its pretty darn good? Just after I finished that sentence guess who decided to open her eyes.

Ahhhhhhhhhh this is knower close to my room or any room in the pack house and that's crazy or maybe I slept with someone for the Alphas meeting I'm screwed and so dead its even beater to commit suicide at this point or even run and never look back literally.

I think I'm going to stick with the last option.

So, I carefully sneaked out of bed and went straight for the window.

Hahaha I've got this dam I don't think it would be that easy I mean I wakeup in a very strange bed and I escape so easily this is the lie of the devil. Their must be a catch because nobody just lets their prisoners wonder free just like that.

Well at least that's what I thought I was.

When I jumped out the window which wasn't as far as I thought it was. I hit the ground and took of running for dear life not like anyone was really after me, with that thought I might as well slow down to a small jog . I reach a stream to wash out my sent and then I will take my sweet time to walk of this territory into my freedom.

As I continued my slow jog, I herd the bushes rumbling around me and I knew this is it, its over, I'm done. I think I'm starting to overreact about the smallest things and thinking its my death waiting for me.

So, I might as well just lay on the ground in wait for the hungry rouge to consume me in less than a minute hopefully short and quick so I dont feel the pain.

As I prepared myself for my end my wolf told me,

"Get the hell up and to stop making yourself look like a fool in front of everyone stupid"

Not now I'm trying to die in peace but all you are doing right know is  distracting me cant your just calm your fricking tits god dam it and let me die.

"No, no I cant just open your eyes"

That's even worse so I can see the person that's going to kill me before I die ?????? What part of die in peace don't you understand.

"What do you think she's doing is she alive"

"Yes, she is cant you hear her breathing"

"Yes, I can see that Jacob but why in the hell is she playing dead and we can clearly see she is alive"

"Maybe she is unconscious"

"Fine lets carry her back to the dungeon  and see whether she will wake up or not"

"Ohhhh hell no this people are definitely not taking me to a dungeon, if I had stumbled into someone's territory I would have noticed ohh Im in hot soup and I need to jump out before I get burned "

"But you cant wake up can you now so much for being free"

"Shut the hell up I'm trying to think of an escape plan"

"I mean why couldn't you just stay at that nice place then we wouldn't be in this situation"

"You know I wonder which part of shut up you don't understand"

My duma wolf definitely knows exactly when to pop up doesn't she.

Meanwhile in the palace the maid that was assigned to Naomi is taking her food to eat for breakfast she reaches the room and finds it empty and she literally has no words.

She went strait to the guard on duty and told him and immediately he sent a search party for the young woman.

Dam I don't have any ideas so I guess it is just to play unconscious. Its working pretty well until I felt a very cold splash.

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