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I was now waiting for my very dear mate to finish changing, you know I always thought it was a jock when people said they were late because their mate was taking too long. Now I am witnessing it first hand we are already one hour late but what dose she keeps saying " give me two more minutes " what in the hell is she doing.

Finally, she walked out the door with a fully dressed Liam. She was so beautiful I don't even know what I did to deserve this. That maroon dress was doing her body justice and I loved it all. She was all mine.

"Stop staring you pervert"

I'm not being a pervert if what I'm looking at is mine.

"I literally cant with you, lets just go "

Whatever you say my love.

"So how late are we since you are driving so fast? "

Not so late just one hour. 

"Did I really take that long or are you just playing??"

No, Im serious look at the time then look when the party is starting.

" I really hope we reach I time for the cake"

That's the only thing you are thinking of right now, your not even scared you are going to meet my parents?

"You never said I was going to meet your parents"

I did remember yesterday when you were giving Liam a bath.

"Oh, I was definitely not listening"

Well now you will not say I didn't tell you.

" am I dressed decent info, you know so I don't give of a bad impression and I am a mom now need to look it "

Yes, you look good.

"That's not what I asked (how girls be when I guy says you look good when you asked how you look. I don't think they understand when you ask them how you look the are supposed to say marvellous, gorgeous, like a goddess, like a lily in a filed of roses. English I really hard)

You asked me how you look and I answered the question.


I am going to let this slide just for today only today, I said to myself. As we drove into the parking lot, I saw all sort of cars big, small, slender you name it all in different colours.

While I was ungluing my baby started fusing in my arms so I needed to pay attention to him. Adrian opened my door for me as I stepped out Liam started facing again.

Child what is your problem I, said to him.

"He just started walking so I think he wants to get down"

Yep I think your right I said as I put him down. The minute his feet touched the ground he was running in different directions . I was really getting worried about him what if he trips and falls. Then he breaks something I thought to myself.

"You worry too much he is a big boy" my mate said. 

No, he is not he is only one and still my baby.

"He is going to be fine, Adrian said while putting his arm around my waist then he kissed my neck."

When we reached the entrance, all eyes were on us I think they could sense his presence him being the Alpha of skulls many of the people in this room had never seen him. They had just herd stories.

Then I felt his hand tighten around my waist and I knew his protective side was kicking in and with no chills at all. People say his own parents have never seen him since the accident I honestly don't know if that was true but I will definitely ask him.

As I was deep in my thoughts, I saw my baby trying to climb the table that had all the presents oh hell no this was going to go south and fast.

As I rushed to get my baby from embarrassing Adrian and I Alexandrea and her pregnant self came up to him before I could.

"Whose disrespectful child is this," she said in a loud high pitch voice

I pretended I dint know her, sorry he is mine this will not happen again I am really sorry. He just learns how to walk you know how they can get. Now he was on my hip siting peacefully like he had not done anything.

"Have I seen you some were"


No, I dint think so I said with a nice smile on my face.

"Yes, yes I have you are the one my mate rejected you bitch how dare you come to my baby shower with a baby of your own. You are the most disrespectful person I have ever met."

How am I disrespectful I had a baby before you what is the problem?

 As our voices grew louder we begun drawing attention to ourselves. 

"You dint hear the rule no Luna is  allowed to get pregnant before me  or during my pregnancy and if you did  it was to be killed the minute it was born and if you don't obey my rule the punishment death."

Well I was not informed so I got pregnant and gave birth for the record I don't need your permission to get pregnant( I really didn't give birth to him but he is mine and he is my son) . After I was done giving her a piece of my mind, I herd gasps around the room and some people whispering.

I heard someone say that  I must be the alphas ex mate. She is a real whore she already has a child I wonder with who.Another one said, she must be jealous because our Luna has more class then her shady ass.

I was about to give all these bitches a piece of my mind but Adrian intervened before I could do justice.

"The next time you ever talk about my mate like that you will never be able to have any children, that also goes to all the women in this room. He said with so much authority everyone bowed their heads in the room including the alpha king himself yes Alpha they all said in unison.

I really know how to get people to hate me. After that small disruption he took me and introduced me to all his acquaintance's. They all had very scared faces when I looked at them in the eye.

So I excused myself.

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