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Dam it what kind of people are busy out hear ready to give me a dam shower that I don't ask for. They are definitely lucky it has not touched my hair or they'd be dead right now.

Let me just open my eyes and they will see the wrath of the one and only. As I opened my eyes all those thoughts flew so dam quick out of my mind its like the weren't even there. What I saw was unbelievable.

You know in horror movies they always say don't look back but in this case, It's don't open your eyes but like in every movie they always do the exact opposite and that's how it went down.

"Yup great job Naomi look what you've gone and done" my stupid subconscious said,

"How in the hell are we supposed to get out of hear alive"

Shut the hell up I'll find a way just like I always do.

Hello pretty lady wana have some of this" the man in the next cell said while liking his lips

I was so disgusted I really need to get out of hear.

A loud noise startled me while I was thinking  about an escape plan but  the thing that was  walking towards my cell  was the most hideous creature I have ever laid my eyes on.

It was tall and hairy and had some weird looking eyes and just like that a light bulb went on in my head this creature  is  my way out.

"Are you mad "my stupid wolf interrupted my staring competition with this beast,

Dam I was just about to win but no you just have to pop up at the right time don't you.

"I mean you want to fight this thing " you are finally out of your mind

Who said anything about fighting, just watch and learn?

"I've been doing that and look where we are now"

"you know the worst thing is we die together whether I like it or not "

Now is when your noticing this, gosh you really slow.

"Excuse your ass you are me and I am you hello news flash "

You know what lets jus focus on getting out of hear then we can argue later

"Fair info",

Thank you now let me think.

This is going to be great!!!!!

Now all we need is to get his attention again since last time you interrupted me.

"That sounds like a good idea for once".

Can we not right now I'm trying to think.

"Oh, I have an idea" maybe we can seduce him into getting us out.

Um girl we don't know how to do that.

Just watch and learn.

Hey there you want some of this tonight plus a nice massage

What are you doing he is not interested in sex.

Look at him he is going to turn around just now.

And to my surprise he did and now I know never to listen to my wolf ever again.

As the beast came closer my heart rate begun to rice and that's when I knew I messed up.

He walked towards me like I was prey, like I was a lost sheep and dame that was my queue to run under his arm and straight to the open doors.

How dumb can this thing be to leave the door open. 

Immediately I reached it I knew why. There was a spell on the door that locked super naturals from leaving but since I'm not a full one I'm immune so I can leave scot free.

If he  thought I was going to be blocked by the spell the jokes on him. 

I ran as fast as I could  with all the speed I  could master until I started wheezing.

Then I tripped over a rope and then I herd a very evil laugh and he person said

But you are not immune  to my trap then it went dark


I'm dead...

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