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Its been three weeks since I left my ex and things are running pretty smoothly except for when I got a cold and Adrian thought I was going to die. He made me laugh  so hard my stomach begun to hurt  then he thought I was dyeing for real.

It was a week ago when we were sleeping,  I think it was  about three in the morning when I woke up not feeling him close to me. When I turned to the right, I saw him siting in the chair at the far right of the room.

Why are you sitting all the way there, I asked?

I tried breathing through my nose but it was blocked and I knew my convenient common cold had jut dropped by to say hello. I fell back into the sheets whit a groan. Now I was going to be wheezing for the next week or so and snoring in my sleep. Have fun Adrian with that thought I giggled to myself.

What is the problem I asked again, I was getting irritated " my cold mood swings kicking in. He still doesnt answer. Over the time I've been hear I noticed a lot of things one of them was he never liked speaking and for someone like me who loves to gab it was very infuriating.

"Are you going to die", he asked quietly. You know werewolves don't get sick very often I don't even think the can catch colds so this must be new to him. 

What in the hell is he mad. Are you going crazy I asked him?

"You don't look too well and you were wheezing like you were loosing air in your sleep, are you going to die?" he said again like I don't hear him the first time.

That's when I died of laughter I looked back at him and he still had a serious face. He was not joking. I smiled at him and told him to come and sit next to me on the bed. He hesitated but came anyway maybe he thought I was going to tell him my final wish :) :).

I'm not going to die its just a common cold okay, I said to him in a very gentle way. Trying my best not to laugh. After that he never let me ought of his sight, he still thought I was going to die. I think its his wolf that's feeding him with this lies.

Today is a very big day for me I'm meeting the whole pack. I am exited and nervous at the same time. As he was making his long boring speech, I was just siting there waiting to be called up. Then I heard a small little girl ask her friend a very funny question. They looked like they were about six or seven.

"I wonder if she tastes like chocolate ?"she said to her friend

I chuckled to myself,  the  time  had finally come I was cold to introduce myself. When I reached the tope and I looked down from were I was standing there were like so many people and I felt like I was going to faint.The whole speech I had planed flew out of my head I literally watched it leave.

Well shit.

I smiled at the crowed, some smiled back some had stone faces others just plain hate. Well as all of you have herd, I am going to be your Luna, I hope we will be able to get along.

After my small speech my very good mate stepped in and saved me before I lost consciousness. While we were eating, I was introduced to some important people of the pack then I meet Isaac, this was the first time I saw him in one month. We had small talk but it did not last long because Adrian started getting jealous so I had to calm his very protective wolf.

As I was siting on a bench watching the children, I saw a small lady taking care of all of them and another ladys being rude towards her. I knew exactly how that felt so I walked up to her and helped her to feed and make sure all the children were happy. When we were done, we cleared the tables. Since they were plastic cups and plates, we could just through them away. While I walked towards the dust bin, she finally said something to me and she looked really scared.

"Luna pleas don't through them away I need to wash them" she said with her head down.

We were practically the same Hight and most probably the same age as well. I lifted her head with my hand and said You don't need to call me Luna we are practically the same age, and as for these plates and cups they are for throwing away its just more work you are giving yourself.

You know when I was still an omega, I never washed the plastic staff I would just throw it away on the day the dumpster truck would come for it so they wouldn't notice.

We both laughed at the things we did and do when I was still in that job. Later on, I learned the girls name was Monica. She was very sweet and kind to he children, as we were playing with the children one of them came, up to me and licked my hand I looked at him and he just stared back then licked it again.

Then he shouted to his friends "she doesn't taste like chocolate" he said while pouting and I was more than surprised then I smiled down at him and said I don't but if you are a good boy tomorrow, I will get all of us sum.

All the children started to cheer I guess they really like that "I have never tasted chocolate how dose it tastes" the small boy asked me

It tastes like sugar. "dose it looks like you ?", he asked

No, but it has many shapes and sizes.

 "Like the ones the other kids go and pick on Halloween?", he asked

Yes, I said and with that he run of to his friends as he waved by to me. I went over to Monica to asked her a few questions. Why don't these kids play with the ones on the other side?

"because they are not born here or their parents died in war or they are just abandoned in the woods, why?" she said

I just wanted to know was all I said and I purposed to ask Adrian a few more questions.

But now I need to plane on a treasure hunt and a week full of fun activities for these children. And a shopping spree for all them they definitely needed that and so dose Monica.

hi guys thanks for reading

love yall :) :) :)

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