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hi people thanks for reading you guys really help


No words had been said between them and it was getting unbearable for Ambrose. He was getting impatient and it was eating him alive.

As for Naomi she was torn between two she doesnt know wether she wanted to go home or to stay with the broken man who was destined to be her mate.

Decisions had to be made and time was ticking.

While the harmonious cupule was deciding what to do the counsel was busy making plans for the new Luna the Alpha kings daughter and she was on her way.

According to them it was a perfect match power +power = more power it would make the pack the strongest to have ever existed.


As I passed around my room I was still stuck with the same decision  that I was unable to make.It was either I leave and never come back or I stay and learn to love.It is final I will stay everyone needs love and I will not be the one to deny it from him.

As I walked up the stairs to his room a very huge wave of nervosa energy came over me and I was really scared. Will he want me or will he hate me for keeping him waiting or maybe I have already been replaced.

As all those thoughts flew through my mind, I reached the door in less time than I expected.So, he goes nothing.

I nocked on the door once no answer then again, no answer then the last time then I herd his voice and I could feel the pain coursing through his veins and I was to blame for that. 

"Go the hell away how many times should I tell you to leave me alone"

As he spoke his footsteps kept getting louder and I knew this is it.

He opened the door with so much strength I almost fell. Once he saw me, he cooled down instantly and walked away from the door.

He doesnt tell me to get in so I just stood their and waited.

"You can come in" he said

I walked very slowly to him when I got close enough to his face, I lifted his chin in my direction the sparks I felt when our skin touched was unforgettable I made him look at me in the eye.

I  instantly saw  and felt all the hurt and pain and most of all loneliness and it was at that moment I decided I would never leave this man even if my life depended on it.And that's when I did the boldest thing I've ever done.When our lips connected I started to wander why I had not done that a long time ago.

Dame it felt so good, I felt like sparkles and most of all it felt like it was from deep down not just from me but the both of us.As I parted from the kiss he was dumfound and that's when I saw the state of his room.

What kind of mess have you made in here? Are you crazy  who exactly is going to clean this mess?

All the curtains were on the floor or hanging on dear life ,the bed was not in any good condition to sleep in, the blinds were ripped to shreds, the dresser had claw marks all over it and  that is just a hand full of things that were either out of place or damaged.I continued to look at the other damage he had done.

When I looked at him properly, I noticed the self-inflicted marks on his hands and a very deep cut on the side of his face and that's when it hit me this was not him.

It was his wolf.

"Please stay I will take care of you like the Queen you are and I will never treat you wrong please just stay"

At this point he was on the floor and on his knees in front of me and I was surprised but I couldn't accept his apology if he was on the ground.

Stand up I'm not going anywhere I said to him and immediately he was on his feet looking me deep in my eyes looking for any trace of a lie.But there was nun because I was not lying.

Once he saw that his wolf let him have control, he was just looking at me with many emotions going through his face.

Then I realised he was having a problem expressing himself and he was trying to show them to me through his eyes.

As we shared our special moment someone came bursting into his room and he literally almost ripped the poor man in two. He had him pined against the wall and if I didn't do something he might end up killing him.After the man had had a few minutes to breath I asked him what he was here for.

"Alpha the counsel is in the yard waiting for your presence" he said in a polite and then excused himself before any more harm can come to him.

After he left, I looked at Ambrose and judging by his facial expression he knew exactly why the were here.

thanks for reading and stay tuned for more :) :) :)

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