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Many people call me savage and its true, I am the most cruel alpha known to all the werewolf world and I love it.

When people say may name, they tremble in fear of my presence.

They call me the king of hell but who knows maybe I am. My pack  RED MOON is the strongest and largest pack in the US. I have the counsel who help me with ruling my pack but I think they are just a bunch of old hags with no jobs so they decided to make themselves the head.

When people ask me about love I really don't have much to say about it because I don't believe in it. After what I saw my father do to  my mother in the name of love I completely lost interest and I promised myself never to fall into that lie people tell themselves.

Many of the elders are urging me to look for a mate but I think its just a waist of time. I'm not like many alphas who cant wait to get their mates I honestly don't  care, mate or no mate I have my pack and that's all that matter now.

If I do have a  mate but she will be very disappointed with what shell find.As I was doing my morning walk on my privet land I hear a voice so beautiful my ears were getting addicted to the sound of her voice.I've never been interested I music but this voice it was the most beautiful I've ever heard my entire life.

As I followed I it I was led to the cliff near by, a wonderfool sent came along with it, it smelt like chocolate and cinnamon a very interesting mixture of scents but it was fantastic.

At the end of her sent I could smell the sent of an omega disgusting, powerless, fearful, and others I cant describe I was disgusted beyond measure but how can such a beautiful voice come from such a Dredfool thing.

As I went to take a closer look, I saw a woman standing way to close to the edge for my liking. She had exotic black hair that was braided into two big cornrows. She had beautiful chocolate skin I personally had never seen such brown  beautiful skin, most of the African American women I deal with have very light skin.Her body was like the ones black men talk about with endless curves, she was beautiful.

As my mind was about to further describe her beauty I stopped myself. I cant think of any woman like this I made  a promise to myself that they were ticking time bombs lying in weight to destroy your world.So, I turned around and went on my way and made a conscious decision to never think about her again.

Later that night after the meeting with my beta I couldn't focus on any of the paper work I needed to do.The woman from today morning was the only ting my mind could focus on, I desperately needed to know who she was.She was honestly the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, even though I had never seen her face I knew she was a walking trophy.

All you are thinking about is that girl and you have heaps and heaps of paper work to do , my wolf Andrew said. Okay fine ill focus, I responded.

 I was just about to go back to my work when I was interrupted  by my  phone wringing and I knew exactly who it was.

Hello mother,

"Is that the way you greet your mother Ambrose", my mother replied?, 

Yes, after all the things you have done to me, yes mother yes, I replied,

"UHH why cant you just be like all your sibling's loving and kind towards me", my mother shamelessly replied,

I'm not interested in talking to you so what do you want, I replied blandly, 

"Oh, I'm just calling to tell you that there will be a family party that you must attend", she replied," and you must bring a beautiful girl with you."

The girl from the cliff came to my mind but I quickly got that thought out of my mind.

Yes, I will be there, I answered and cut the call before she could say anything else.

hi people thanks for reading and pleas keep reading even though there might be many spelling errors and its my first book

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